Fright Night Recap



Fright night is a school dance that is available to all grades. When you entered, you first had to wait in a short line to pay and have your student ID checked. Then you were free to enjoy the dance. You could go into the gym and enjoy the music and dancing. There also was face painting and a haunted house. Another thing you could do was buy concessions. If you could not make it this year, be sure to come next year because it was an incredible event.

Photos taken by Aala Rashid and Bella Trinko 

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Señora Guerra Returns



Señora Guerra, the new spanish teacher, is returning to MSA after her retirement from the school some years ago.  “When I first got here, back in 1999, I think there was 180 students…it’s gotten bigger and technology has changed a little bit,” she explained, when asked about the changes to the school. “I’m familiar with the environment; I’m familiar with the procedures, and one of the good things is that you still use Skyward and […] that’s what we were using when I left.”
Señora Guerra arrived at MSA a little later, as she was helping with her granddaughters in California. “I have two,” she said. “My older one’s name is Scarlett, and she’s five and just the most adorable little girl…she loves Kindergarten, loves to read. And my little one, newborn, was born August 8th and is really, really sweet. Her name’s Aurora. Scarlett wants to carry her all the time,” she laughed. “I miss them…I talk to them almost every day.” Señora Guerra had been in California for the past three months to help take care of her grandchildren before she was presented with the opportunity to return to our school.

   Mr. Whalin acted as a long-term sub in her absence to the 7th and 9th graders. She feels right at home at MSA, despite the late start, however. “All you students are just wonderful,” Señora Guerra said, “…You want to learn, and that makes teaching so much easier!” When asked if she knew of differences in students from then to now, she thought for a moment. “Maybe a little tougher now,” she said, “ because there’s so many more students…Classes are a little bit bigger, but I think the main respect still holds here.” 

Señora Guerra really loves teaching. If she wasn’t a spanish teacher, however, she would have liked to have been a physical therapist. She’s also interested in French, Portugese, and Chinese as languages if she could speak another language fluently. Her favorite places to travel to are Mexico, England, France, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Her favorite book is Goodnight Moon because she loves to read to her grandchildren. Also, if she could live anywhere she would live in Mexico if it was safe, because they have the customs she grew up with. Senora Guerra said that her favorite food is ̈…Chicken enchiladas, with the green sauce.” She currently has no pets besides a fish. “I used to have a yellow lab, and a black lab, and a cat, a black cat, but they’ve all gone over the rainbow.” However, she is taking care of her son’s dog, Gismo.  

We also asked her about what it is like to be away from her family. “[It is] very difficult… I have one here and that’s great, but it’s really hard, and my granddaughters, I just miss them- I feel like I’m glued to them, but I talk to them almost every day.”

Finally, we asked what she did while she was retired, and she said that other than spending time with her grandchildren she danced. “I dance in a dance group- it’s a Mexican folk dance group, and I’ve done it for many, many years…We danced professionally all over the city.” 

We hope you learned something about Senora Guerra!

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Midsummer Night’s Dream Interviews



Hiya! My name is Bella Trinko. As you can tell from the title, today I am writing about interviews I have done with the Cast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream! Midsummer is a fantastic and fun play written by William Shakeshpere. It is about Hermia, who is in love with Lysander; however, her father wants her to marry Demetrius, who her friend Helena loves. I know it is an already crazy-complicated love story, but it gets even more interesting when they end up in a forest with fairies, love potions and a guy with a donkey head! We hope you come and see it! Enjoy the interviews!

Maya Dalal plays Hermia:

What grade are you in?

“I’m in tenth grade!”

How many MSA shows have you been in?

“I’ve been in ten shows at MSA since sixth grade.”

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?and why?

“Twelfth Night is my favorite play by Shakespeare next to A Midsummer Night’s Dream, probably because they’re such fun and wild comedies!”

Who is your favorite character in the show?

“Nick Bottom or Puck are my favorites, probably because Bottom is such an extra character, and Puck thrives off of causing mischief!”

Who is your favorite character you have played at MSA?

“My favorite character I’ve played at MSA was probably the Sour Kangaroo from Seussical because she was super sassy and confident, dressed in vibrant purple, and had the best riffs in the entire show.”

What is your favorite show you have done at MSA?

“My favorite show was Freaky Friday, because the music was so much fun!”

Favorite line you say? 

“My favorite line I say is “Never so weary, never so in woe, Bedabbled in dew and torn with briers. I can no further crawl, no further go, My legs can keep no pace with my desires.”

Favorite line said? 

“My favorite line said in the show is “GOOD MORROW FRIENDS!”

        Who is your character? Describe them? 

“My character is Hermia, daughter of Egeus, and Lysander’s fiancé. Hermia is a headstrong, beautiful young woman who wants to marry the one she loves. She has a temper larger than her body and an emotional range larger than her strides.”

Zac Barnaby plays Puck: 

What grade are you in?

“I am in sixth grade.”

How many MSA shows have you been in?

“This is my first MSA show”

What is your favorite Shakespeare play? and why?

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream because I have performed it before.”

Who is your favorite character in the show?

“Puck and Quince because I have played them before.”

Favorite line you say? 

“Titania waked and straightway and loved an ass.”

Favorite line said? 

 “Tis almost fairytime.”

Who is your character? Describe them? 

“Puck, he likes to mess with people.”

Sam Wurdemann plays Nick Bottom:

What grade are you in?

“I am in eleventh.”

How many MSA shows have you been in? 

“This is my tenth.”

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?and why?

“Comedy of errors because it is  ironically funny and still remains funny.”

Who is your favorite character in the show?

“Puck works very well as a driven force.”

What is your favorite character you have played at MSA?

“Bottom, honestly. Adam and Horton are close seconds.”

What is your favorite MSA show you have been in?


What is your favorite line you say?

“In this show “This is to make an Ass of me.” In any show, “Women, kid… women are like… sandwiches.””

What is your favorite line said (by someone else)?

“In this show “Good Morrow friends!” In any show, “So zen I say to him, no, he had ze fish, I had ze Asparagus!””

Who is your character? Describe them?

“Bottom is a self-proclaimed dramatic genius. He’s trapped deep inside his giant ego, and he’s convinced he’s destined to be a leading man. In my experience, he gets to have the most fun in this show out of anybody.”

Lily Dempsey plays Helena:

What grade are you in?

“I’m a senior!”

How many MSA shows have you been in?

 “I’ve been a crew member for twelve shows (stage manager for eight), but I’ve acted in two MSA shows.”

What is your favorite Shakesphere play? 

“Probably Midsummer! I love all the storylines and how playful it is.”

Who is your favorite character?

“My favorite characters in the show are the mechanicals! I love the energy they have and how well they play off of each other in the show.”

Who is your favorite MSA character you have played?

“I would probably say Helena is my favorite character, because the one other character I’ve played at MSA (Savannah in Freaky Friday) was pretty one-dimensional. However, I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done for the MSA theatre department!”

What was your favorite show you have been in at MSA? 

“I think my favorite show would have to be Freaky Friday because of all the singing and dancing. I love musicals!”

What is your favorite line from the show?

“My favorite in the show is probably, though it is quite simple, “O, excellent.” However, it’s the situation I’m in that makes it my favorite. I guess you’ll just have to come to the show to see what I mean!”

Who is your character? Describe them?

 “My character’s name is Helena. At the start of the show, she is in love with Demetrius, who is supposed to marry another girl named Hermia. Helena really wants to get Demetrius back, so she chases after him into the forest, where he is looking for Hermia. Although this sounds desperate, I think that Helena is just a very loyal and committed person who will get whatever she sets her mind to.”

Thomas Nelson plays Demetrius:

What grade are you in?

“I am in twelfth grade.”

How many MSA shows have you been in?

“This is my twelfth show at MSA.”

  What is your favorite Shakespeare play?and why?

“My favorite Shakespere play is Twelfth Night because Sir Andrew is funny.”

Who is your favorite character in the show?

‘“Oberon because he is very funny.” 

Who is your favorite character you have been in in MSA?

“Reganold Watson.”

Favorite show you have been in at MSA? 

“My favorite show I have been in? Probably Freaky Friday.”

Favorite line you say? 

“Well roared lion.” 

Favorite line said? 

“It shall be called “Bottom’s Dream” because it hath no bottom.”

Who is your character? Describe them? 

“Demetrius: he is the hottest man alive and looks like Christen Bale. So no girls unless they are a ten. He attracts way too many.”

Ethan Semler plays Lysander: 

What grade are you in?

 “I’m in tenth grade.”

How many MSA shows have you done?

“This is my fifth theater production at MSA.”

What is your favorite Shakesphere play?

“My favorite Shakespeare play is probably either A Midsummer Night’s Dream because of all the energy, or Othello because of the story in general.”

Who is your favorite character and why?

“My favorite character of the show is Puck because of all the energy and comedy that the actor (Zac Barnaby) adds to the show.” 

Who is your favorite character you have played at MSA?

“Lysander is my favorite role I’ve ever played.”

What is your favorite MSA show you have been in?

“My favorite show I’ve been in at MSA would either have to be Freaky Friday or the current show: A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

What is your favorite line you say?

“My favorite line that I say would have to be: “And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake. Transparent Helena! Nature shows art,

That through thy bosom makes me see thy heart. Where is Demetrius? O, how fit a word Is that vile name to perish on my sword!””

What is your favorite line said in the show?

“My favorite line in the whole show might spoil it, but one of my favorites would have to be: “So should the murdered look, and so should I, Pierced through the heart with your stern cruelty. Yet you, the murderer, look as bright, as clear, As yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere.””

Who is your character? Describe them?

“In this show I play the part of Lysander, a man in love with a girl whose father heavily disapproves (of me).”

Lauren Paulson plays Hippolyta:

What grade are you in?

“I am in twelfth grade.”

How many MSA shows have you been in?

“I have been in ten MSA shows.”

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?

“I don’t know a whole lot of Shakespeare, but I actually like A Midsummer Night’s Dream a lot because there’s not any war, and the story is pretty funny. It’s a fun show with a lot of energy!”

Who is your favorite character and why?

“I like the character of Puck because he is a mischievous little fairy who likes to mess with people, although he fixes the problems he makes in the end.”

Who is your favorite character you have played at MSA?

“I really liked being the character of Jojo is Seussical and Emily in Our Town.”

What is your favorite MSA show you have been in?

“ My favorite MSA show that I have been in is probably either Seussical, Our Town, or Annie.”

What is your favorite line you say?

“My favorite line that I say is, “This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard.”

What is your favorite line said in the show?

“My favorite line of the show is, “though she be but little, she is fierce.”

 Who is your character? Describe them?

“Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons who has been captured as a prisoner of war and forced to marry the duke, Theseus.”

Lynne Inyoue plays Starveling: 

What grade are you in?


How many shows at MSA have you done?

“This is my seventh show.”

What is your favorite Shakesphere play?

“Probably Midsummer, because it’s pretty lighthearted and fun. Plus, I haven’t seen that many Shakespeare plays.”

Who is your favorite character in the show?

“I like Hippoylta because I feel like she’s a strong character!”

Who was your favorite character you have played at MSA?

“I was the Queen of Hearts from Alice and Wonderland, and that was a lot of fun. I got to yell at a lot of people, and it was my first show so it left a lasting impression.”

What was your favorite show you were in at MSA?

“My favorite show was The Real Me, which was a one-act a few years ago. It was just a really good show.”

What is your favorite line you say?

“Bless thee, Bottom! Bless thee! Thou art…translated!”

What is your favorite line said (by someone else) during the show?

“Though she be but little, she is fierce”

Who is your character? Describe them?

“I’m Starveling, who’s a character that’s putting on the play inside the play. Specifically, I play the moon during the play, by holding a lantern.”

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