All About Hanukkah



Hanukkah, or the alternate spelling Chanukah, is a Jewish holiday celebrating the Maccbees’s victory over the Greek army and them restoring the menorah, or the lamp, of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The holiday, meaning “dedication”, begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, with it normally being in late November or December. During the holiday, you light one candle per night in a special menorah, or candelabra. Saying thanks to God in the form of a special blessing, singing a hymn, and lighting the eight candles with a shammash (a ninth candle) is traditional. Families also give and exchange gifts every night and play games. 

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4 Popular Fruits Around the World



Acai Berries 

Acai berries grow on palm trees in the Amazon forest of South America. Many people say that this berry tastes like a cross between blackberries or raspberries with a tint of dark chocolate. 

Dragon fruit 

Dragon Fruit is a very popular fruit originally from South America and Central America. This fruit has a sweet taste like a kiwi. It also has little black seeds similar to kiwi and has a similar texture. 


This is a fruit very popular in China. The Chinese eat this fruit very often. It has a horny, red, outer shell which you will find a white, grape-like fruit inside. This fruit has a texture similar to a grape, and a large seed inside. It tastes sweet and bitter.

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Middle Schooler Stereotypes


Six Sixlet Stereotypes

  1. You’re short.
  2. You forget your assignments. 
  3. You won’t stop playing snake.
  4. You’re scared of eighth graders. 
  5. You’re constantly late.
  6. You complain about your homework.

Seven Signs You’re a Sevie

  1. You think you’re way better than sixlets.
  2. You try desperately to be popular.
  3. You get into a lot of drama. 
  4. You wear jeans with holes in them. 
  5. Sixlets hate you. 
  6. You call sixlets “small child”.
  7. You complain about your homework.

Eight Examples of Eightheopians 

  1. You think you rule Building A. 
  2. You don’t care about anything.
  3. You’re fake.
  4. You have seventeen crushes.
  5. You think sixth and seventh graders are obnoxious.
  6. You’re very gullible.
  7. You think you’re a high schooler.
  8. You complain about your homework.

Movie Stereotypes



Have you ever been watching a movie and thought “As if!” or “Why doesn’t that happen to me?”?

Or, have you ever been watching one romantic comedy, only to watch another the next day and realize it had the exact same plot?! Us too! So, we compiled a list of the most annoying movie stereotypes we could think of.

Top Ten Overused and Stereotypical Movie Characters:

10.The funny guy (Class Clown)

9. The bully’s buddies

8.The Queen Bee’s Minions

7. The best friend since childhood you end up with

6. The jock

5.The new girl or “girl next door” that the main guy ends up falling for

4.The Eccentric-Sassy-best-friend-Gay Character  

3. The bad boy/girl (The rebel)

2. The nerd

1. The pretty-and-popular girl who also happens to be the meanest girl (or fakest) *Cheerleader**Ditzy**Queen Bee**Blonde*

Birds: The Answer to Life’s Problems!



Birds are the 4th most common and well-liked pet in the world, and for good reason! These feathered friends have been brightening households for centuries and are used as therapy animals all over the world. They are sensitive to emotion, intelligent, and very happy to cuddle with their owners. The main kinds of birds people like to own are cockatiels, parrots, parakeets, finches, and canaries. Parrots are large and boisterous and love to screech their little hearts out. They live very long as well, so one might want to label your parrot a family heirloom. Cockatiels are lovely little birds who can display emotion better than most of their kin due to their impressive crests. If they are happy or someone else is happy, their crests perk up like little sails. If they are angry, their crests lie flat against their heads. Finally, parakeets! Oh, how I love parakeets. I have two at home, and they are amazing. They are one of the smaller pet birds and bred mainly for their stunning display of colors. They have been known to exhibit every color in the spectrum except red and pink! They are well-known for their vocalizations as well, and are happy to perch on an arm or hand. These are some of the most well-known little birds, but there are many more, rest assured. Of the many things all these birds share, the most wonderful (in my opinion) is the fierce bond they and their owners share. With enough love and care, owner and pet can become more like mother/father and son/daughter. They are like kids in other ways as well. They can show just how miffed they are at you for leaving them behind on your vacation, imitate everything within a ten-foot radius, and learn from their owners. They are also extremely willing to cuddle with their loving parent if that parent is feeling gloomy. Birds really are remarkable.

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