Hacknet: A Review



Hello to all of you reading this! I truly welcome you all back to my game review series after the summer hiatus! It truly does feel nice to be back in the swing of things and writing again. To kick things off, my name is Logan Schlosser, and I am the Web Editor for the ASOP Student Newspaper. The articles I write for the student newspaper are usually all technology centered. In fact, last year I wrote a whole gaming PC build guide! However, the majority of my articles follow the series of me reviewing games that I love, which will be what today’s installment will be for. You can check those past articles out on the ASOP website if you are interested. Anyways with shameless article plugs and semi-formal introductions behind us. Let’s get right into this week’s game!

So, this is a game I hold near and dear to my heart. To preface this, let me ask you a question, do you like to feel like a gosh darn superhero/super-smart-person(SSP) while playing a video game? Well you are in luck then, because this game features both of those features! Plus, it has my favorite type of twist, computer science. The game I am talking about, of course, is the wonderful game of Hacknet.

Now, Hacknet focuses around one key topic, Hacking. Now you may be wondering, “Are we talking about the computer hacking that you see in movies?” And the answer to that, is absolutely! This game will make you feel like the coolest movie hacker as you navigate your text-based-hacker workshop. I feel as though I should warn you though, if you do not like to type a lot, you will absolutely despise this game. This is because the way you “hack” in this game is typing commands into the command prompt and running your deciphers and firewall-destroyers as fast as humanly possible. This game will absolutely have your adrenal glands working as hard as possible. I got a little off topic there, but this game does have a story behind it.

First, you are logging into a computer. Then, all of a sudden, a message pops up. It’s from a person named “Bit.” Now Bit has left this message to you because they have already passed away. They will then guide you through a series of tutorials about how to use all of the tools left behind and how to navigate your system. It is now your job to use the tools they left behind to finish the work they couldn’t. Through a series of contractors and companies you will use your hacking skills to complete various jobs for your organization. As you complete them, you will rise up the ranks and will be able to complete harder and more demanding jobs. This is no easy task at all, as many will try to stop you from completing your tasks. From companies trying to take you down by tracing your computer, to rebel hackers angry that you took something from them.

In conclusion, if this concept sounds interesting to you literally at all. Please pick it up. It’s literally ten dollars and goes on sale quite frequently. The best part of this game is that the DLC made for Hacknet is basically an entirely new game. With the DLC and main game, I was able to get a good eighteen hours of adrenaline-rushing content out of it. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this year’s first installment of me reviewing games! It truly does mean the world to me. As always, I’m Logan Schlosser, take it easy.

-Logan Schlosser

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