President Biden’s First Day


America’s new president had quite a busy first day, signing over a dozen executive orders. While many of these orders were reversals of Tr*mp’s policies, those and many others of his orders gave a glimpse into what his priorities include and what the next four years will look like. Let’s take a look at an overview of the monumental changes that occurred that day. 

Some focused on combating Covid i.e,

 Executive Order #1: Require masks on federal property

#2: Rejoin the WHO(World Health Organization) and, 

#3: create a Covid office that reports directly to Biden

Covid relief was also on the agenda; 

#4:Extend foreclosure and eviction moratoriums, and 

#5:freeze student debt.

LGBTQIA+ rights and Climate and Racial Justice were important factors as well;

 Executive Order #6: Rejoin the Paris climate accords

#7: Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline(the pipeline was extremely damaging to the environment)and cancel other Tr*mp administration energy rules.

#8:Say goodbye to the 1776 commission. The commission was focused on teaching a more conservative history curriculum in U.S. schools.

#15: Ban workplace discrimination against LGBTQIA+ employees

Let’s not forget about Immigration and changes in the government. 

Executive Order #9: Undo Tr*ump’s actions to exclude undocumented immigrants from the U.S. census, thus making the representation less accurate for more diverse locations. 

 #10:Strengthen protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals(DACA)after the Tr*ump administration’s attempts to abolish it.

 #11:Abolish the “Muslim Ban”.The order also takes action to restart visa processing for the countries affected by the ban.

#12: Reverse Tr*umps’ order that heavily enlarged immigration officials’ interior enforcement and widened the options of who they can try to detain and deport.

#13: End Tr*ump’s national emergency declaration that was used to redirect federal funding to build the border wall between Mexico and the U.S.

#14:Extending the Deferred Enforced Departure(DED)designation for Liberians who have been in the U.S for many years.

#16:Ordered that every appointee in the executive branch(himself included) must sign an ethics pledge.

#17: An order was signed that will stop all Trump administration regulations currently in process until further review. 

Biden has accomplished all these things on his first day; we look forward to all that he will do in the future. 




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