Spooky Game Events



           Hello to all of you wonderful ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the next installment of I Review Games While Sleep Deprived, or affectionately known as IRGWSD. So today I will be taking the time to review some of the halloween events going on in popular video games. These can be from little things like sprite changes, or big changes like gameplay elements being added. Now with those introductions out of the way, let’s get right into it!

First things first, let’s talk about a critically acclaimed game, Terraria. So I would classify this event as noticeable. You would definitely notice that it is happening, but it would not impact your gameplay as much. Every year, from October 10th to November 1st, it hosts it’s halloween event. During this time you can expect two different types of things. The first being the new enemies/forms of enemies. Examples of this would be green slimes having bunny masks on, or bunnies dressing up as green slimes. There are also new enemies entirely though. Like Hoppin’ Jack, a slime enemy that looks like a pumpkin. Then the other one would be new items, like costumes that can be dropped from enemies, or bought from a store. Alright I got this event covered for the most part, onto the next one!

We now have another dearly beloved game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This event of course has a huge ambiance feel, as the majority of the purpose of Animal Crossing is to make you feel good. So for the first part you can of course purchase spooky outfits, a lot of these include dresses and suits combining black with a random color. There are also new types of furniture that you can buy for your humble abode, all spooky of course. Oh, and of course the most important part, you can grow pumpkins! I mean, that’s pretty cool isn’t it? Looks like we have covered another one, onto the last event!

Now for this last one, we are going to be talking about a game that holds a special place in my heart. One that was a massive fad, but died incredibly fast. The game I am talking about here is of course, Pokémon Go. Now this event I would rank as pretty neat, as you can catch some pretty limited Pokémon! These include the Galarian Yamask, Shiny Spiritomb, and the costumed forms of Gengar and Sableye. There is also an increased spawn rate for certain ghost types during this event. Speaking of, this event lasts from October 23rd to November 3rd at 6pm PST. Lastly, there is also of course new vanity items for your avatar. These can include, the Pikachu mask, Gengar onesie, and Bannette mask to name a few.

Well that is all of the events that I have time to review for today. I hope you enjoyed this installment of IRGWSD. As always I am your host Logan Schlosser and have a safe and fun Halloween!

-Logan Schlosser

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