Pack Sandwiches at Home and Drop Off for the Homeless


In 2018, there were 11,371 people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota; a number that had risen 10 percent since 2015. Homelessness can become someone’s only option due to a large variety of reasons, including lack of affordable housing, past abuse, chronic health conditions, childhood trauma, and much more. It’s an ongoing cause for concern, and Minnesota winters can worsen already horrible conditions. With many shelters and support centers closing at night or filling up, it can leave thousands of people cold and without a meal.

This is where Allan Law comes in. For the past two decades, he’s spent every single night on the streets of Minneapolis, handing out sandwiches and other supplies to the homeless population. Even when battling prostate cancer, he was unwilling to take a week of rest, going as far as to sneak out of the hospital before he was meant to leave. He never sleeps in a bed or takes time off, working 18 hours a day on two hours of sleep a night. Law is dedicated to helping these people; he saw a need and decided to do something about it. His story is further explained in the documentary The Starfish Throwers, which shows three powerful examples of changing lives for the better.

If this cause interests you or you want to help, an event is being sponsored by the non-profit organization Girl Onward to make sandwiches to be handed out. With COVID-19, there’s been a decrease in volunteers, and it would greatly aid Law’s organization and the homeless people of Minneapolis. To sign up for this event, go to this link and RSVP: 

Keep in mind, all RSVPs are due by Friday, October 9th, to allow time for ordering supplies. This is also an event that will be done at your home, with set times to pick up and drop off sandwiches. Hope to see you there!



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