Farm Animal Ranking


Many people wonder what the best farm animal is and, with a ranking of 6 popular farm animals, we can give you the answer. For number one, we have bees; now, a lot of people think that bees are not farm animals; however, bees are very common animals when it comes to farming. The first reason bees are so incredible is that bees make beeswax, and beeswax is used for so many different things including, but not limited to, candles, lip balm, leather, wood polishes, and binding agents for medicine. Second, bees are an incredible money-making source because of how versatile beeswax is and because of the other things that bees make. Finally, bees bring pollen to the agricultural field, and this pollination adds an estimated 15 billion dollars in crop value. With all of this information, putting bees first on this list makes the most sense. 

Coming in second place, we have pigs, known for their intelligence. Pigs were recently discovered to be able to play video games! Scientists found that they can push a joystick with their noses to steer a cursor into walls. When they won, they received a food pellet. However, even after the food dispenser ran out, the pigs continued to play the game. This incredible feat demonstrated their intelligence and raised them to second place. 

Number 3 on this list is chickens. Chicken is a widely loved food throughout most cultures, not only for the bird itself but also for the eggs that they produce. Chicken is a very versatile meat that can be seasoned to taste good and is also the cheapest meat to buy, making it easy for everyone to enjoy. On top of their meat, chickens also lay eggs that are a great source of protein and are used to make many different types of meals. However, they can be used for even more. Chickens are extremely helpful for fertilizing crops; chickens can poop up to fifty times a day, making one cubic foot of manure every six months. And since chickens are omnivores, their manure does not contain the diseases and bacteria found in animals that consume meat. Chickens are incredibly useful for fertilizing and creating food for people, which places them at number three.

In fourth place on this list of farm animals, we have goats. Goats are useful for their milk, meat, and coats. Some goats have nice fur that can be shaved off and made into clothing that is very silky, soft, not easy to crease, and much more elastic than most other wools. As for their milk and meat, the milk is very nutritious because it contains vitamins and minerals, a high percentage of fat, and a lot of protein. It is also easier to digest than cow’s milk and is easier on the stomachs of lactose intolerant people. Goat meat also has low cholesterol and saturated fat which may help decrease the risk of developing heart disease. Overall, goats are a great source of food and clothing, placing them in fourth place.

In fifth place, we have sheep. Sheep’s best quality is their fluffy wool coats. Not only does this look adorable, but it also allows us to have wool. Wool is amazing because it is used to create sweaters and other kinds of knitwear. Sheep also eat specific plants when sick to use them as medicine. The reason sheep are not higher on this list is because they look extremely dirty because of their wooly coats. 

Finally, cows are in last place. Cows, though adorable when blow-dried, are otherwise unremarkable. However, what condemns them is that they regurgitate their food many times to chew it more. This is disgusting and unacceptable. Other than this, they are good animals with some cool adaptations. For example, they have a four-chambered stomach that allows them to digest cellulose. Finally, we can enjoy cheese because of cows and for this we should be grateful. However, nothing makes up for the regurgitation of their food, and they are in last place.



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