The Importance of Sea Turtles



There are seven species of turtles in the world, 6 of them are threatened or endangered, this is extremely troubling because sea turtles are keystone species vital to marine and beach ecosystems. They help keep the jellyfish population in check, keep coral reefs healthy by preventing sponges from outcompeting corals, provide habitat for an array of “aquatic hitchhikers,” but most importantly keep the seagrass beds in check. Sea turtles help “mow ” seagrass; the grass needs to stay short because it’s a breeding and developmental ground for many species of fish, without it many marine animals would die out. If sea turtles were to all die out the sea grass would become too long, making it unsuitable for breeding/development, and if one part of the ecosystem fails, the rest will soon follow, leading to a full collapse.

The decrease in sea turtles population is mostly due to humans. With overfishing, coastal development, pollution, and climate change, the turtles are having a hard time surviving. Though sea turtles are dying out, it’s not too late and we can still help them recover back to a healthy population. 

There are many things that humans can do to contribute to saving the sea turtles. One huge thing that most everyone is aware of is litter. Litter in the ocean is some of the leading causes for killing sea turtles. People will throw garbage into the ocean or release balloons into the air without considering the consequences of what they’re doing. Something that you could do to help with this issue is use a reusable water bottle so you don’t have to worry and just be aware of where you put your trash. Another thing people can do to help sea turtles is staying away from their nests. While this one might seem obvious, you have to be aware that there are also children on the beach that don’t know better. So be conscious and teach people not to disturb turtle nests. However, if you do see someone doing so, don’t be scared to speak up. Finally, when you decide to leave for the day, make sure you have all your personal belongings and/or equipment. This is because when nightfall comes, such items will make it harder for baby sea turtles to make it to the ocean and make it harder for female sea turtles to lay their eggs. In the end, we can all do something to help these turtles survive; you just have to be willing to try and help them.



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