Best Winter Activities



Whether it’s snow fights or maybe it’s a snow fort, snow and winter activities are very fun!

So you may be wondering what are the best winter activities. Well, don’t worry because I have a few things that you will definitely love for this fast-approaching winter, and you can also do these activities.

If you like the outside, then you might like doing a huge fort battle where you have twenty minutes or more to make a fort and defend it. After you and your friends have both built your forts, then have a snowball fight where you are fighting and whoever loses their fort first loses the match. You can do this with more than two people and have teams!

When it’s below zero, pitch dark, or blizzard-like conditions, you might need some indoor activity ideas. So here are a few for you. If you are a water person, you can go to an indoor water park and chill or maybe an indoor pool. However, if you are not a water person, then you can cook a meal with your family, drink hot cocoa, and watch a movie. You could maybe even read a book with your family and take turns reading. 

Let’s say you are just bored and don’t know what to do because the snow is too cold, and you want to stay inside. Then you might want to host a slumber party. Maybe you want to do a movie marathon.

Regardless, there are always ideas that you can do when bored in the snow or just want to play.

Winter is fast approaching, and here are a few things that you could do in the winter! 

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