Volleyball: From a Players Perspective



Volleyball is a pretty important sport here at MSA. The Dragons have some amazing volleyball teams. There are three volleyball teams. We have a Varsity, Junior Varsity and C team. I decided to interview Amira Aryal from the Varsity Volleyball team. I have asked her what she thinks about the team, how she feels about the sport itself, and anything else she has to say. 

Me: “How do you feel about your volleyball team?

Amira: “I love everyone on my team. When I first came here everyone was very welcoming and they feel like a second family to me.”

Me: “What do you like about volleyball?” 

Amira: “No comment”

Me: “How’d you get into volleyball?”

Amira: “No comment”

She also added that she likes her coach, Coach Jeff.

Amira: “Jeff is one of the best coaches I’ve ever had and you can tell he cares about everybody on the team, as well as other people outside of the team.”

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