Interview with Mr. Calhoun



As we have many new students from different schools coming into new grades, we have some new teachers, too! This week I got the chance to interview Mr. Calhoun, a 6th and 8th grade English teacher. Here are some of the questions that I asked. 

  1. Why did you choose to teach? 

“I enjoyed summer camp counseling when I was in college and realized that working with kids and helping them grow as people was a passion of mine. So I went back to college, graduate school, to earn my teaching degree.”

  1. What is your favorite part of English? 

“Solving the puzzle of what a reading means. Sometimes it is obvious, but the real fun is figuring out the deeper meaning of a classic text and then figuring out how it relates to modern situations.”

  1. Why did you come to MSA? 

“I came to MSA because of its reputation for success. Students and teachers speak highly of the accomplishments and the sense of community here.”

  1. What is your favorite thing so far about teaching at MSA?

 “The students. So many funny and interesting personalities. Many students are not afraid to share their life experiences, good and bad. It makes for a lot of laughter and learning.”

  1. What do you enjoy doing outside of school? 

“I had always played sports, but now that I am getting a little long in the tooth, I have to settle for moderate exercise and reading. When my family, wife, and pets arrive from Taiwan, I will hopefully spend a lot of outdoor time with my dog, Miu Miu, a border collie.”

  1. What’s your favorite book? 

“Seven Types of Ambiguity–a mystery-drama told from seven overlapping perspectives. For some reason, I can relate to the main character and his many flaws.”

  1. (Bonus!) What is your favorite candy and why? 

“I cannot resist Chocolate. If it is in front of me, I will eat it all until it is gone. Probably why I rarely buy any chocolate for myself.”

Thank you Mr. Calhoun for answering these questions, and thank you for teaching a fun English class even if some students are always wild and crazy!

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