Introducing Mr. Schaak!



“The students here really encompass the golden rule of treating others the way they want to be treated, and it’s really awesome to see.”

Our new math teacher here at MSA, Mr. Schaak, teaches middle school math one and two. This is his first year at MSA, and he loves the rigorous content that the school teaches and the student’s ability to want to work hard. His preferred pronouns are he/him/his.  

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A Brief History and Invention of the Expo Marker



Now, to the people who read my articles on a semi-regular basis, you might see the title of this article and get spooked. I mean, the game-review guy writing about Expo markers? However, I feel that it is important to diversify yourself in your writing. It is also nice to have a change of pace once in a while. However, even after this brief explanation, you might be wondering why one would be writing about Expo markers. The answer to this is that I simply wanted to write about the most boring topic possible, but who knows, this article might turn out to be pretty fun! Anyways, without further ado, let’s get into it!

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Interview of Ms. Metcalf



Ms. Metcalf is a brilliant history teacher. Born in 1999, she was born in Saint Paul. She grew up in Cottage Grove. She went to the University of Wisconsin in River Falls, as well. The reason why she wanted to be a History teacher is because she had the coolest teachers in high school. Also, she loves that History is a circle. Her favorite subjects growing up were Geography and Art.

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