Dude, Stop: A Review



Hello to all of you lovely people at home! Today is a very special installment of this series, as I am writing this a lot more tired than usual. So I apologize in advance to you all, also my editors, like they have to fix all of my sleep-deprived grammar. Anyways, today I have a treat of a game for you today. Now the review might be a bit shorter than usual, as the game is focused mainly on it’s comedy and I really don’t want to ruin the possible experience for you all. Anyways, I don’t wanna stall you all for much longer than I already do. So the game that I will be talking about today is Dude Stop.

To get right into it, this game has a wonderful art style. It’s a fully colored, 2-D, pixel art aesthetic of a game. With the fact that it has pixel art graphics, that basically allows it to run on any hardware at all. So no matter how strong your PC may be, you will always be able to run this absolute bop of a game. The music is nothing to really comment on, but that does not mean it’s bad music. In fact, the game music is so good that it basically went unnoticed for me when I had my first playthrough. It just blends in so beautifully with the game.

Anyways, I just realized I ended up talking about the art style and music for a lot longer than I expected, so let’s get right into the actual gameplay! To put it simply, this game is about doing either everything completely right, or completely wrong. Now, I can see how that concept might be incredibly confusing. As normally in a puzzle game you want to y’know, actually want to play the game correctly. So to kinda explain the concept, you basically complete a series of puzzles with a narrator by your side. Now, the puzzles themselves are incredibly simple, but the main point of them is to get them wrong. So the main point of the game is to complete all of the puzzles as wrongly as possible, while trying to disappoint the narrator. So it just makes for an overall incredibly funny and enjoyable experience. Overall however, the main peint of the game is to get every single “trophy” in the game. Now, everytime you complete a series of puzzles, you will be awarded a trophy per achievement if you completed the necessary tasks. They can be incredibly basic like, “Complete all of the puzzles correctly,” or “Complete all of the puzzles incorrectly.” They can also be complex as “find this specific item in a specific part of the stage.” Which makes for one hundred percent completing the game pretty fun!

I truly hope you did enjoy this sleep-deprived installment of me reviewing games. This game was incredibly fun for me to review so I hope you had fun reading it! Once again, this game can basically be played on any modern computer. So pick it up if you like to laugh, or if figuring out puzzles is a joy for you! Anyways, I hope you have a good rest of your day and thank you for reading!

  • Logan Schlosser

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