Phasmophobia: A Review



Hello to all of you wonderful people sitting in your homes! Welcome back to another installment of “Logan reviews games, haha get it he’s still funny.” Anyways, it’s certainly been a few weeks since I’ve written anything. So I hope you all have been doing well over my hiatus! To get right into it, I will be reviewing a type of game that I never have before. Today I will be going into the genre of horror, and this particular horror game has an added twist. It’s a virtual reality immersed horror game where multiplayer is heavily encouraged. The game in question is, of course, Phasmophobia. Now with the introduction out of the way, let’s get right into the game!

Now Phasmophobia is a ghostbusters esque game. You are given a completely random job at a house in the middle of nowhere. Here, you will scavenge through a house, looking for clues as to which ghost you are dealing with. You have various tools at your disposal that you can use to track down the type of ghost trying to murder you. All of the different ghosts also vary in how they behave. One maybe will try to kill you outright, while another one will be quieter in its ways of killing you. In case you forget which ghost is which, you also have a handy-dandy ghost handbook always by your side. This is the book where you will write down the clues you find along the way to identify your ghost. An example of one of these clues could be a temperature drop in the room that the ghost is in. All ghosts have a combination of three distinct clues that make them specific to themselves. 

There is another factor that you have to take into account when you are exploring – your sanity. You see, as you spend more time in the haunted house, your sanity will drop. Now you might think that’s well and good, but there is one key issue with that. The ghosts can tell when you are slowly devolving into insanity, so you are more prone to ghost attacks while your sanity drops. The only way to replenish your sanity is to make your way back to your van and hang out for a bit. Overall, this game just provides the player with a horrifying experience.

Now we have reached this part of the review where I do my conclusions. I would highly recommend this to anybody that has a love for horror with a beefy enough computer. This game will horrify you even more if you decide to play it in virtual reality, so if you have access to that mode of play, I would highly recommend that in comparison to the  standard mode. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this installment of my reviews, have an amazing day!

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