A Valentine’s Letter (Mad Lib)



Dear ________ (name),

I recall the first time I looked into your _______ (color) eyes and smelled your __________ (adjective) perfume. I remember how I immediately ________ (past-tense verb) after. That was the beginning of our ________ (adjective) friendship. Thinking back, all our visits to _________ (location) were always filled with ________ (adjective) memories. I thought about giving you a/an ________ (adjective) __________ (noun) or giving you a/an __________(noun), those would have been extravagant, but I remembered friendship is the best and most meaningful gift, so for you, I gift you my friendship. However, I still got those for myself, because my happiness is your happiness. I did, however, prepare for you, a surprise. If you meet me at ________ (time) in the __________ (adjective) park, _________ (celebrity) will be there holding _________ (plural nouns), waiting for you! Well, a cutout at least, but that’s better than nothing.. It’s not much of a surprise now, but you never liked surprises.  Have a/an __________ (adjective) Valentine’s!


                    ____________ (your name)

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