Noita: A Review



Hello you wonderful people! Welcome to another rendition of me reviewing things in my room at 12AM. Today we will be looking at a game that I have spent 80.8 hours on. Those hours were spent over the course of only one year. Anyways this game is what I have rated Game-Of-The-Year for 2020; so it’s gotta be pretty good! With all of that hype out of the way, I might as well reveal what the game is that we are talking about! This game is called Noita; A roguelike spell building game that will frustrate you for hours to come. With that out of the way, let’s get into the gameplay!

So, right off the bat I should describe what I meant by “roguelike”. A roguelike is a game that is described as this; You start at the beginning every time, every level is computer generated so you really don’t know what you are going to get. Once you die, you go right back to the beginning. Now, this may sound incredibly frustrating, but it actually provides a very interesting experience. You may have one “run” where you get an incredibly good weapon and annihilate your enemies. There could also be other times where you get a bad weapon, and you have to work your way around things to survive. Adapting to the cards you’re dealt is one of the most fun things about roguelikes. This is why they are my favorite genre of game. This mechanic of a roguelike fits perfectly within the game of Noita. You basically just zoom throughout various levels and become the wizard you always wanted to be. Every “floor” in this game has a set preset, such as what can spawn, and what textures and tiles are used. However, the floor is still completely random. So there could be a snow level that is based around ice based enemies and surroundings. The spell/wand building mechanic is what really sells the game though. There are over 100 spells for you to find on your adventures. Each more entertaining than the rest. You wanna build a wand where it just summons ducks that explode? You can do that if you would like. You can also find wands throughout your journey. They get progressively more powerful the deeper you go through the game. Of course, the most powerful wands are the ones you make on your own. So have some fun trying new things out!

I feel as though Noita is an experience that everyone should be able to try out. It’s a fun time-waster that can be enjoyed from 15 minutes, to hours. So go out there! Pick up a copy of the game if you like the style of roguelikes, or would like to just try out a new game. As usual, I’m your host Logan. Thank you for reading!

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