Starbound: A Review



Hello once again to all of you lovely people at home! Welcome to another installment of ‘I review games, and you read about them’. The games I pick are usually ones that can be played by almost everyone. Be that hardware-wise or the actual content rating of the game. So sit back, grab yourself a nice cup of coffee, and listen to me go off-topic multiple times. Anyways, the game we will be reviewing today is Starbound. Now, Starbound essentially combines the elements of the popular game Terraria and turns it into a space adventure. Now with that out of the way, onto the game!

Alright, so Starbound, as I mentioned before, takes a lot after the game of Terraria. The similar art styles are a good example of this. This game has an added twist, though, with the element of procedurally generated planets; this game is essentially infinite. The gameplay mostly revolves around you flying around your spaceship, taking missions from various NPCs (Non-Player-Characters). These missions can be anything from taking out a team of space-pirates to delivering a package from one planet to another. This game also allows you to slowly upgrade your ship as you pass through the story. You can do this by purchasing them with the in-game currency pixels, or by collecting items called “Upgrade Modules,” which you can find hidden on planets. 

Speaking of planets, those are where you will find the majority of your weapons and armor, either by mining ores from different planets for armor, or finding some really cool swords in chests hidden around the world. After you beat the story, there is still a lot of things to do,if you would like to continue playing. These can range from completing little side quests or building yourself a nice house on another planet. I think I got the majority of the gameplay out of the way, though, so I think it is time to conclude this article.

Starbound is a game that I have spent a long time on. It provides a nice wholesome space exploration adventure you can do with your friends as well, as it is also multiplayer! As usual though, if you like what you have heard, consider picking up a copy. If not, then thank you for reading my article! Have a good one.

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