Indignant? File a Lawsuit (Court Trial Election Results)



As we know now, Joe Biden, the former vice president of the United States, is now the president elect. Last week he gave a speech celebrating what many hope will be a peaceful transferral of power. Unfortunately, expecting this to happen is unrealistic and naive. 

Donald Trump has refused to concede, despite the fact that many U.S citizen and  foreign leaders have been very quick to do so.  Last Sunday, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris after Biden received all the votes he needed to secure the presidency, flipping states that had turned red when Trump ran for office during 2016. This is in addition to the leaders of South Korea, Ireland, Australia, the mayor of France, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to name a few. Regardless of whether you like Joe Biden, however, there are things Donald Trump has done to discredit his legitimacy. 

Long before the election, Donald Trump has touted the dangers of voter fraud, making baseless claims that voting by mail would automatically lead to fraud, despite the fact that he voted by mail himself, according to an article punished on Apparently the American people are supposed to believe that  voting by mail is good enough for the president of the United States, but not for themselves, which in the mind of any rational human being makes no sense. Considering the fact that America was, and still is, in the middle of a pandemic, and the reality that voting by mail would reduce exposure to the coronavirus, shouldn’t the leader encourage mail in voting? 

 In battleground  states such as Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan, the Trump Administration has filed lawsuits that, according to legal experts, don’t have any merit to change the outcome of the election; it’s over.  In Pennsylvania, at the time this article was written, Biden lead Trump by 50,000 votes. Donald Trump attempted to block the certification of vote results and claimed that ” voters (had) faced constitutional rights violations, because counties took different approaches to process absentee ballots and that observers at times were unable to fully see ballot processing.” Liberals and conservatives are both shaking their heads at the president because the evidence, which is the backbone of any legal decision, is not solid by any means. Most likely the cases will be dismissed, and if they rose previously, they will move to a lower court. 

In Michigan, lawsuits were filed but dismissed by judges due to their lack of credibility. They said the evidence was “hearsay”, which means rumor and means that it can’t properly  be argued against, or for in court.

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