Luxywing Academy – Acceptance Letter



Dear Quinn Percy,

We like to congratulate you on making it into Luxywing Academy as a new Mixwing! Your knowledge of magic didn’t come as a surprise, as your mother was at the top of her year when she attended. She surely would be proud to know her half-blood daughter made it into the first class for half-blood witches.

Your classes will look a lot different then the four other wings. That is because we are still working out all the kinks of how to teach you, Being you all are only half witches, some witch teaching tactics might not work. We want to make sure everyone is learning at the same pace as well as they are comfortable with our teaching.

Your Wing Keeper will be Mr. Owlvox. He was one of our Duel Class Professor’s before volunteering to be your keeper. He has a half blood child himself you’ll be learning with.

Your common room is in the basement of the school. It was the only safe place we could find for you. Don’t worry, everything in the room shall be clean by the time you arrive. We would hate it if a student got a dirty room and felt uncomfortable. We want your common room to feel as safe as possible. 

And since this is the first time we’ll have Mixwings, you guys will not have your own Hexball team. There won’t be enough students to make a full team. But don’t worry, the Wishwings are letting you try out for their team! Since they are a low class like you, I hope you all get along.

Now, I won’t promise you’ll get along with everyone. The Starwings might bully you, it’s just what they do. We’ll try our best to make sure it won’t happen, but we can’t change their minds about not liking you. Their families are just blind sometimes. Some of the teachers might be wary of you too. For some of them, they haven’t experienced some species you half bloods are related to.

I hope this cleared some things up for you. We wanted to give you as much knowledge as we could about the school before you came. Don’t be afraid to contact us if you have any more questions!  

Sincerely, The School Board

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