The Whirlpool



“Imagine that life is just a dream, and when you die, you just wake up and can re-enter right back in. Well that is our goal here at Infinite. We believe that this is possible through our WhirlPool program. With our new program we can simulate anything. Now, ladies and gentlemen, you came here for business . let’s say that you need to make a plan for battle, but you don’t know if something will go wrong. All you have to do is simulate all the possibilities of the battle so you can pick the best option,” said Director Simon.

“So you’re saying we don’t have to walk into battle without weighing options,” said General Hopston from the U.S.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, so what do you say?” asked the director. 

“Fine – six hundred million in US dollars but if this doesn’t work like you said I’m sending a squad here, and I’m going to unleash six hundred million dollars worth of anger on you.”

“This should pay for the money owed to the families of the subjects who died,” said the director to Dr. Brumen. 

“Sir, remind me how they died?” asked Dr. Brumen.

“They died because their minds couldn’t hold the amount of pain they felt because of their trials. Their organs shut down as their brains thought they were dying. But we are close to finding a way to stop that, so that they last longer. Remember it’s for the greater good,” says the director.

Meanwhile, Team Alpha Seven of the organization D.A.G.G.E.R, a bureaucratic organization bent on stopping world threats:

 “The mission is to infiltrate the enemy building aka Infinite operations center. We go undercover and steal the Whirlpool program’s data and get out, simple as that. Don’t get caught; if you do, don’t say a thing to them. lie tell half truths -anything, just don’t give up info. Remember there are innocent lives at stake.”

“Do you have that report doctor,” asked the director.

“Yes I do it’s right he-” said Dr. Brumen.

A gun-shot rang out. The director ducked under the desk, already digging in his desk to find his emergency gun. He found it then tapped the emergency button to tell security they were being attacked.

“Search for files, check the computer,” said one of the attackers.

That’s when the director heard the noises – security was coming, hopefully armed and ready. Then, out of nowhere a smoke grenade is thrown in, then gunshots, and then silence. That was the end of it; security lost no one. But the intruders supposedly all died when the security team counter attacked. Although, we all know what happens to intruders in Infinite.

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