The White House and COVID-19



Within the past month, dozens of members of the Trump Administration, including the President and his wife, have tested positive for COVID. This series of events started on September 26 at the Rose Garden event, which was celebrating the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. This event has caused a spike in cases due to how many people have been infected from attending. On September 30, Hope Hicks, one of Trump’s close advisors, started showing symptoms while President Trump had his rally in Minnesota. He also held a rally on October 1, as well. He came in contact with many people and started to show symptoms. Later that night, he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID, which he publicly announced via Twitter in the early morning of October 2. 

Worried about his declining health, President Trump was flown to Walter Reed Hospital the same day. His oxygen level was below 94 percent, and he had a fever. During his three day stay, President Trump was given an experimental polyclonal antibody cocktail, two doses of remdessivir, and the steroid dexamethasone. On October 4, he went for a ride in his armored Chevrolet Suburban to see his supports, before returning to the hospital. The next day, October 5, he was discharged. 

A few days later on October 9, President Trump spoke with radio host Rush Limbaugh and claimed that he was feeling better than he was twenty years ago. Then, he held his first public event since his COVID diagnosis on October 10. He later tweeted, “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.” 

There have been more people related to the Trump campaign that have tested positive for COVID in the past few weeks, along with the President’s son, Barron Trump. The most recent has been two of Vice President Pence’s top aides as of Sunday, October 25. Vice President Pence tested negative on Saturday and Sunday, and he is still taking place in rallies.

Thanks for reading this article; I hope it was informative. 


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