DIY Rainbow Loom: Diamond Bracelet



Hello, welcome to another article in the “DIY Rainbow Loom” series! Today I will teach you how to make a standard beginner bracelet called the diamond bracelet. You will need a loom, hook, s-clip/c-clip, and rubber bands.

First, make sure you start placing bands on the side where the red arrow is closer to you.

Second, start placing your bands in a diamond pattern like the example below.

Continue using the images below to help you place the bands.

Once you have placed all your bands, the final result should look like this.

Turn your loom over to the side where there is no red arrow. It is time to start looming!

Now, we are going to learn how to make a cap-band. It will help bind off the bracelet. Use the examples below to make one.

You are officially ready to loom! Place your hook in the cap-band, grab a band, take it off the peg, and then place it on the peg that has a corresponding color.

Do the same with the yellow band.

Start looming the yellow and pink bands. If you need help, read the steps above.

Good Job! Reach inside those bands and grab the band that corresponds to the one diagonal to it. Continue looming after you have done that.

Once you are finished looming the whole thing, your loom should look like this.

Turn your loom over so the red arrow is closest to you.

Stick your hook inside the bands at the end.

Start to carefully take it off the loom; afterward, it should look like this.

Lastly, attach a clip to the end and connect the bracelet.

Nice work, you did it! If you are really interested in Rainbow Loom, there are many YouTubers that have tutorials on how to loom, too. I hope this was fun for you!

Genetic Scissors: Snipping DNA



Modifying genes in cells used to take up years, but with these genetic scissors, that process can be shortened to a few weeks. 

Modifying and snipping genes is useful for a lot of reasons. We can remove a genome that causes a disease or illness before a baby is born. We can breed different plant species to find the perfect combination of multiple types. We can also eliminate diseases and viruses in plants. There are so many different things we can do, but, modifying genes isn’t always an option because of how long it takes and how much it can cost. The older methods weren’t as precise, either. But now, we can snip and edit DNA in just a few weeks.

CRISPR is a tool that is used for editing and snipping the genome. Scientists can replicate DNA and edit DNA sequences. This was what took so long before this discovery was made. 

Emmanuelle Charpenteir and Jennifer Doudna discovered this; it’s one of the sharpest tools which can snip DNA. The CRISPR/Cas9 scissors allow scientists to change the DNA of many different organisms with extreme precision. This new tool allows us to edit DNA with precision that we have never seen before. These scissors have revolutionized science and will help lead to groundbreaking medical discoveries and treatments. Editing DNA at this level gives scientists even more freedom to explore the genes. This amazing discovery changed science for the better, but it also had a huge impact on society. 

Charpenteir and Douda are also the first all-female recipients of the Nobel Prize. Their discovery took place in 2012, and they finally got recognition eight years later. This shows that their hard work and dedication paid off, and CRISPR will forever be changed for the better because of their discovery. 


What is the Promised Neverland?




Did this pandemic delay so many things you were looking forward to? Have you been waiting forever for season five of My Hero Academia to come out? Were you expecting the Demon Slayer movie to come out in September, but now it’s supposed to come to the U.S. in 2021 (based on true events of Alice Fontanesi’s impatience)? With season two coming in January 2021, it’s a great time to discover The Promised Neverland.

First of all, what is The Promised Neverland?

The Promised Neverland (Yauzoku no Nebarando) is a manga series written by Kaiu Shirai and illustrated by Posuka Demizu. It was officially serialized by Weekly Shonen Jump in August of 2016 and adapted into an anime by CloverWorks in January of 2019. The series is expecting a live-action adaptation this December and won the 63rd award for Shogakukan Manga Award in 2018 in the shonen category.

Now, what is the plot of The Promised Neverland? In episode one, we’re introduced to the three main characters of the series. The first is Emma, an energetic and positive child, but one that doesn’t lack any intelligence. There’s also Norman, the more reserved member of the group, and Ray, a cold, but caring, friend. The three of them live with about 40 other “siblings” in an orphanage known as the Grace Field House. Their caretaker “Mom” (Isabella) takes care of all the children, and we are introduced to Sister Krone,another caretaker, later on in the series. Life couldn’t have been any better for the orphans. Great food, nice housing, a great mom, and plenty of play time – who wouldn’t like it?

When one of the orphans, Conny, is sent away, Emma and Norman realize that she has left her toy rabbit, Little Bunny, behind. They go to return it, but they discover Conny’s corpse instead. The two of them discover that this orphanage was actually a farm where children were raised to eventually be shipped out and eaten by demons. They collaborate with Ray, Don, and Gilda to construct a plan to escape the farm before any of the other children could be shipped out.

The story does a good job of keeping things realistic, a problem most horror stories have. There is plenty of tension between the characters now that they know what is going on, and the pacing is great. As a wannabe author, I find it hard to keep a nice flow in stories without making it seem rushed, forced, wonky, or anything else. The Promised Neverland doesn’t rush or make things too slow, which adds to the realism of the series.

Also, the characters are well written. The children are not only extremely smart, but mature, considering that most of the characters are between the ages of four and eleven. The adults in the story are also quite intriguing. Sister Krone is willing to help the children despite her desire to become a Mother because she doesn’t want any of the kids to become as twisted as she was. Isabella is also quite the character because you can always debate among yourself whether she is a good guy or not.

Despite a few minor problems, like the CGI backgrounds or the small differences between the anime and manga, The Promised Neverland is definitely a binge-worthy series and you should go watch it right now. Seriously, the first season is twelve episodes; this isn’t another One Piece. You can find the series on Crunchyroll and many other anime streaming platforms, so grab your tissues, a little buddy, and a reminder to stay away from the manga readers that like to spoil everything and watch this masterpiece.

Broadcast: A Virtual Radio Play Experience



Many of us have had to find loopholes around doing the activities we love with COVID-19, and MSA Theatre is no exception. As they say, the show must go on…And it did. Broadcast will be premiering this Friday, November 20th, MSA’s first ever virtual fall play performance! Not to mention, it was written from the ground up by the cast members—all students of MSA. I had the opportunity to interview Karen Biedermann, director of the show, and Ethan Semler, one of the producers. Broadcast explores the intricate history and development of the radio, and seeing as it is a time where we are all trying to find ways to stay connected and tuned in to the world, I think it is an excellent opportunity to explore. 

This show was written completely by MSA students from start to finish. Cast members were split into smaller groups that researched and explored the radio in a specified time period. The cast met as a large group once in a while to discuss the direction of the script and what they wanted to dive into storywise, as well as make edit suggestions together. Once finished with the script, the cast rehearsed via Zoom to find the best way to deliver lines, move within a limited space, and react to others during a scene. Costumes were also an important factor to integrate into the final product, as the show takes place throughout many different decades! Finally, everyone was ready to begin filming. After this, with the help of a group of talented producers and editors, the show was tied together.

“I am so incredibly proud of our students, and the work they have put in to make this show happen!” says Karen. “Not only are you seeing the students work on screen, but it is their research, their writing, their artwork, and their editing. They truly took ownership of what you see in this production, and that has been really inspiring.” Tickets are available on ShowTix4U and will be available to stream from Friday, November 20th through Sunday, November 22nd on the same device the tickets were purchased from. Described as “surprising, heartwarming, and thoughtful,” Broadcast will be a unique experience you won’t want to miss!

Photo Credit: Maya Dalal

The Whirlpool



“Imagine that life is just a dream, and when you die, you just wake up and can re-enter right back in. Well that is our goal here at Infinite. We believe that this is possible through our WhirlPool program. With our new program we can simulate anything. Now, ladies and gentlemen, you came here for business . let’s say that you need to make a plan for battle, but you don’t know if something will go wrong. All you have to do is simulate all the possibilities of the battle so you can pick the best option,” said Director Simon.

“So you’re saying we don’t have to walk into battle without weighing options,” said General Hopston from the U.S.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, so what do you say?” asked the director. 

“Fine – six hundred million in US dollars but if this doesn’t work like you said I’m sending a squad here, and I’m going to unleash six hundred million dollars worth of anger on you.”

“This should pay for the money owed to the families of the subjects who died,” said the director to Dr. Brumen. 

“Sir, remind me how they died?” asked Dr. Brumen.

“They died because their minds couldn’t hold the amount of pain they felt because of their trials. Their organs shut down as their brains thought they were dying. But we are close to finding a way to stop that, so that they last longer. Remember it’s for the greater good,” says the director.

Meanwhile, Team Alpha Seven of the organization D.A.G.G.E.R, a bureaucratic organization bent on stopping world threats:

 “The mission is to infiltrate the enemy building aka Infinite operations center. We go undercover and steal the Whirlpool program’s data and get out, simple as that. Don’t get caught; if you do, don’t say a thing to them. lie tell half truths -anything, just don’t give up info. Remember there are innocent lives at stake.”

“Do you have that report doctor,” asked the director.

“Yes I do it’s right he-” said Dr. Brumen.

A gun-shot rang out. The director ducked under the desk, already digging in his desk to find his emergency gun. He found it then tapped the emergency button to tell security they were being attacked.

“Search for files, check the computer,” said one of the attackers.

That’s when the director heard the noises – security was coming, hopefully armed and ready. Then, out of nowhere a smoke grenade is thrown in, then gunshots, and then silence. That was the end of it; security lost no one. But the intruders supposedly all died when the security team counter attacked. Although, we all know what happens to intruders in Infinite.

Protests in Nigeria



Over the past few weeks, tens of thousands of Nigerians have amassed to protest repeated instances of police brutality and terrible governance. The initial goal of these protests was to shut down the notorious Special Anti Robbery Squad, or SARS, which reports of officers violating numerous human rights. The call to end SARS is not a new thing either; protests have been happening on and off since 2017. That just leaves the question of what exactly is the Special Anti Robbery Squad? 

In 1992, SARS was set up as a way to combat armed robbery in Lagos, Nigeria, and its surrounding suburbs. It rapidly grew out of control, however, as the officers in it have no form of accountability. With many cases of police brutality, there has been more worldwide attention focusing on what SARS is doing. According to the Human Rights Organization, people in SARS custody were “subjected to a variety of methods of torture including hanging, mock execution, beating, punching and kicking, burning with cigarettes, waterboarding, near-asphyxiation with plastic bags…and sexual violence.”

SARS is also targeting many young people, especially those carrying laptops, smartphones, or other electronics. The government is very against such people as well, with the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari, calling them lazy and unwilling to work. The starting point to the protests was when there were reports of SARS attacking a young man and driving off in his luxury jeep. This incident is what sparked the protests and the use of the hashtag #EndSARS.

Protests are still happening today, and it appears that they’ll only begin to get more violent, with the Lekki Massacre on October 20 being a prime example. In this incident, Nigerian soldiers fired upon peaceful protestors at Lekki Toll Gate, killing ten people. More reports of soldiers and police attacking and killing protesters are still coming in, as well. Nigerians, however, have not given up. Protestors, mostly made up of Nigerian youths, remain determined and continue to fight to have their voices heard and for a safe future in their country. 

Thanks for reading this article; stay safe and stay informed! 


Holi – The Festival of Color



Holi is an Indian tradition that is celebrated by throwing colored (and safe) powder and liquid at each other. Holi is called the festival of colors because of the amount of colored stuff they use during the day. Holi is celebrated during the month of March (since we do not have an exact date for Holi). Also, Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known as the Indian “festival of spring”, the “festival of colors”, or the “festival of love”. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil. Holi also celebrates the arrival of spring, the end of winter, the blossoming of love, and for many, it’s a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships. The festival also celebrates the beginning of a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night and a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (Full Moon day) falling in the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar. Holi is considered one of the most revered and celebrated festivals of India and it is celebrated in almost every part of the country. It is also sometimes called the “festival of love” as on this day people get to unite together forgetting all resentments and all types of bad feelings towards each other. The great Indian festival lasts for a day and a night, which starts in the evening of Purnima or the Full Moon Day in the month of Falgun. It is celebrated with the name Holika Dahan or Choti Holi on the first evening of the festival and the following day is called Holi. In different parts of the country, it is known by different names.

The vibrancy of colors is something that brings in a lot of positivity in our lives and Holi being the festival of colors is actually a day worth rejoicing in. Holi is a famous Hindu festival that is celebrated in every part of India with the utmost joy and enthusiasm. The ritual starts by lighting up the bonfire one day before the day of Holi and this process symbolizes the triumph of good over the bad. On the day of Holi people play with colors with their friends and families and in the evening they show love and respect to their close ones with Abeer. Holi has been celebrated in the Indian subcontinent for centuries, with poems documenting celebrations dating back to the 4th century CE. It marks the beginning of spring after a long winter, symbolic of the triumph of good over evil. It is celebrated in March, corresponding to the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna. In 2020, Holi begins March 10.

There are varying accounts of Holi’s origin mentioned in several works of ancient Indian literature. According to one popular version of the story, an evil king became so powerful that he forced his subjects to worship him as their god. But to the king’s ire, his son Prahlada continued to be an ardent devotee of the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. The angry king plotted with his sister, Holika, to kill his son. Holika, who was immune to fire, tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre with her. When the pyre was lit, the boy’s devotion to Lord Vishnu helped him walk away unscathed while Holika, from whom the festival derives its name, was burned to death despite her immunity. How Is Holi Celebrated? The advent of spring symbolizes rejuvenation, new beginnings, and everything in life that is optimistic, sunny, and brimming. Holi also has a share of mythical stories as the other Indian festivals. Also known as the festival of colors, the festival relates to the legend of ‘Holika’. The date of this festival varies as per the Hindu calendar every year. Earlier, this festival was only celebrated in India and Nepal. In recent times, it is celebrated all over Europe and North America where there is a huge Indian population. So, If you like to use colored powdered and liquid on your friends, then have fun during HOLI! (It is usually at the end of March.)

GMOD: A Review



Hello to all of you lovely people! Welcome back to this series of newspaper articles where I review a game that’s probably been out for a long time, and I just am not up to date on. Alright, with introductions out of the way, time to reveal this week’s game to enjoy! It is a 3D sandbox game focused purely on modding and having a good time. This game is of course, Garry’s Mod. Time to move to the most important part of all, gameplay!

Alright, let’s just get right into it. Before we get into the whole modding thing, let’s get into the barebones game, which I have affectionately named “The Garry”. Now, this game is built upon Valve’s flagship engine, the Source Engine. That means that the movement and parkour is the exact same as Valve’s other games that are running off of it. These include many of Valve’s flagship games, such as the Portal series and Half-Life 2. So basically, once you are in the game and have selected the map you would like to play on, you get your first chance to open the Garry’s Mod menu. Now this menu allows you to spawn in every single asset from the Half-Life 2 game to screw around with. Really want to blow up some explosive barrels using a crossbow? You can do that at any time, any place. There is also a tools section where you can make your very own creations you can call your own. Like a massive sculpture made purely out of bathtubs.

Now that we have the core gameplay out of the way, we can talk about the mod part of the game. Because the only place you can purchase this game is Steam, you have full access to the Steam Workshop. This is where people upload their very own modifications to various games. Now this is where the mod part of Garry’s Mod comes in. You can simply just click “Subscribe” on all of the mods that seem interesting to you, reboot the game, wait for them to install, and then you are good to go! There are various different types of modifications that you can install, from maps to play on, to items to play around with. Overall though, the modding is the reason that I have spent 258.7 hours of my life on this game (oh, yeah. Did I mention that part?).

Garry’s mod is a very complex game. Yet simple enough to attract people. Now you may be wondering why I never talked about the music of it. Now, this game does not exactly have music at all. If you would like to have music though, head onto the Steam Workshop and pick some up for your game. Now, there is not much else to explain about this game, so I will just have to tell you to pick up the game and try it for yourself. I know that I am repetitive when I say that, but this is just a game that is hard to explain without someone experiencing it for themselves. Anyway, that is all I have for you today. As usual, have a good day and try this game out if you like the review. Thanks as usual!

Among Us: Tips and Tricks



Tips and Tricks for being an impostor. 

By Ian Jin

Being the impostor is undoubtedly one of the most fun parts of  Among Us, but there are some tips and tricks to being impostor that will help you stay alive and kill the Crewmates.

Tip 1. When playing as the impostor the lights out crisis is your best friend. You can activate this by pressing the button shaped like a lightning bolt in the electrical section of your sabotage screen. Doing this will temporarily shut off the lights. The thing that makes this crisis so useful is that when the lights are off the vision of the Crewmates is MASSIVELY hindered to the point that they will only be able to see people that are extremely close to them. On the other hand the vision of the impostors will not be affected.

Trick 1. By using the lights out and venting mechanics in conjunction, you can make very stealthy kills that will frame innocents, or you can vent in what would be in plain sight.

Tip 2. Use the venting mechanic appropriately. The venting mechanic can be a useful method of escape that will frame innocents but it can also be the last bit of proof that will get you voted out. For example, in security, while you are in a vent, you cannot see all the way to the security cameras which means that you could kill somebody in electrical then vent to security, only to be caught venting by a person who was looking at the security feeds.

Trick 2. If you want to vent/kill but you can see the red lights blinking on the security cams (which means that somebody is looking through the security cams), you should use the sabotage communications crisis, because sabotaging the comms will temporarily shut off the security cams which will clear you for venting/killing.

Tip 3. Remember that your first priority is not killing but simply staying alive. Assuming that you are playing in the two impostor game mode, if you or your impostor teammate dies then you are at a MAJOR disadvantage because there are only two of you and eight of them. Which in turn makes impostor lives very valuable while the lives of crewmates are of little value.

Trick 4. Use the lock door options so you can trap crewmates and kill somebody where there aren’t many witnesses.

Tip 4. This is very important. ALWAYS have an alibi, this is usually easier if you kill in a secluded and/or remote place on the map which will make it harder to find the body which will, in turn, give you more time to join up with some crewmates and move in a pack which will give you plenty of people who can vouch for your innocence when the body is found. 

Tip 5. never kill in high traffic areas such as storage or cafeteria unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Killing in these places will lead to the body being found almost immediately which will make it easier to pinpoint who was the killer.

Trick 3. If you are playing in the two impostor game mode then you and your impostor buddy can do something that the community refers to as a “double kill”. Now as the name suggests this is when you and your fellow impostor kill two crewmates at the same time. A good example of this is you and the other impostor going into the electric and finding two crewmates doing tasks there and then you kill one of them. Now, your impostor teammate could kill the other crewmate to keep them from reporting the body and selling you out. WARNING, this tactic is best employed for ending the game or for clutches. 

Tip 6. It is a good idea to travel in a pack because then you can get not only your fellow impostor to vouch for you but even some crewmates as well!

Trick 5. A good way to divert the crewmates and get some easy kills when there are lots of people in electric and the lights out crisis would be fixed too early for you to do anything is to do the Reactor Meltdown crisis. This crisis makes the reactor melt down and gives the crewmates about 30 seconds for two crewmates to touch their hand to a pad on opposite sides of the reactor room to stabilize the reactor. By using this you can get lots of people to rush to the reactor and you can use the distraction to kill somebody else who was doing a task.

Tip 7. Even dead you can still use the sabotage mechanic. You can use this to give the other impostor the upper hand by locking the doors to help the impostor get a kill or to give them time to hide after getting a kill.

Tip. 8 Always ask questions like. Where was the body? What are your tasks? How many tasks do you have left? These kinds of questions make you look like you are participating and trying to find who the impostor is, but don’t really help the discussion move forward.

Tip 9. If the crewmates start pointing fingers then go along with it. Doing this will eliminate whoever was accused and then when the person is found to be innocent the accuser will look suspicious.

These are the Tips and Tricks for being an Impostor!

Tips and Tricks for being a Crewmate.

By Venkata Karavadi

Being a Crewmate doesn’t have quite the thrill of being an impostor, but with these Tips and Tricks you will be able to stay alive, weed out the impostors, and fix the ship with ease.

 Trick 1. The important thing to do is…. REMEMBER. Because if something happened, you know what happened and you could possibly convince your fellow crewmates and vote the impostor out. 

Tip  1.  When playing as a crewmate, you want to make evidence so when a body is found, you won’t get voted off easily. So remember where you are, remember what tasks you were doing, and see if anybody looked or did anything suspicious, or if anybody walked away from the body.

Tip 2. Whenever there are two people going in a room and one person is coming out, check that room. If there is a dead body, or if there is nobody because ( if there is a dead body, the person who is coming out must have killed him) then you could know if the other person vented or the other person died. It is important to keep an eye on suspicious people. And it is also important to remember stuff.

Tip 3. If you find a body, here are the things you need to know so you and everybody else can vote the right person out.

1. Who was near you?

2. Where was it?

3. *Optional* Was there a person who hated or kept on voting on the person who died?

4.  Remember that the lives of crewmates are less valuable than the lives of impostors so a good way to trade a life for a life is to accuse the impostor and even if they deflect the blame and they vote you out they will know that the person that you accused was the impostor and they will vote the impostor out.

If you could get all this info you could get the impostor out.

But, the main part is you have to try to convince your fellow crewmates because at the end of the day, your fellow crewmates can vote for the person who you think is good with information.

Tip  4. If you are used to being a crewmate and are good at tasks, then go to your tasks so you can easily finish them and you have time to spot who is the impostor,but you don’t want to do it TOO quick because your fellow crewmates might vote you out for being sus and roaming around.

Tip  5.  Call an emergency meeting if you see somebody vent. But, you might want to be quick because the impostor could kill you, but quickly call an emergency meeting and tell what happened. 

Tip 6. If 2 people are going in a room and the door is locked, once the door is unlocked, you have to go in there to see what happened.  It’s important to remember.

Tip 7.  IF the lights are out, then it might be certain that a kill is about to happen. So it is important NOT to be around people when lights are out.

Trick 2. If you see a person doing a”task”, and the task bar doesn’t go up(on the top left), then call an emergency meeting, because he was doing a fake task.  Fake tasks are when the impostor stands at a normal task area and just sits there for the task time then they leave.

Tip 8. There are different maps, so it is good if you play all three maps so when you are playing a different map, you know where things are, where there are tasks, and where the vents are to see if the impostor vented or not. 

Tip 9. USE THE SECURITY CAMS!!! It is useful to see where people are, and also you can see if an impostor killed anybody. The only bad thing is, when the cams are on,the impostor might see that the cams are one (red light on cams).

Tip 10. Follow the arrows for tasks or emergency tasks,because if the emergency tasks(when there are red-flashing lights and arrows),run out of time, it’s game over.

Tip 11.   If everybody’s tasks are done (if the task bar is full), You win!!

Tip 12. It’s not ONLY about finishing tasks and voting off the impostor, it’s also about surviving and not getting killed. Stay away from suspicious people.

And here are some other ones

  1. Move in groups.So if you are alone, you could get killed.
  2. Keep a close eye on players completing tasks.
  3. Complete tasks.
  4. Don’t waste your visual tasks. People can see that you are not the impostor if people are near you, and they see your visual tasks (one popular visual task is the Submit scan in medbay.)
  5. Always try to fix sabotage.
  6. Use the Emergency Meetings for Strategizing.
  7. When in doubt, skip the vote.
  8. Don’t spam in chat.
  9. Don’t look sus(suspicious)

Tip 13. If you die as a crewmate, you can still finish tasks and if the other crewmates finish the tasks too, then…. CREWMATES WIN!! If the impostor kills everybody, then… the crewmates lose 

And not everybody will get the tasks they like. Some People could get harder tasks while others could get easier tasks! Some people could get less taks, while some ppl could get more tasks!

Tip 14. Always type in chat because they might think that your impostor. If somebody asks where you were, you say where you were.

Tip 15.It’s also important to ask questions. Like “Who was near you?” “Where were you?” Etc.

Trick 3. A task with the “Wifi” signal in Admin, if the game starts, and one person IMMEDIATELY goes to that task, call an emergency meeting because that task is not supposed to be the first task (It’s called the download task, and when you have this task, there is supposed to be a part one, because when you are doing the part one of download, the task info is supposed to go from the room you’re first in to Admin, the second part for download task is from Admin to tablet). So tell them that in a short way (like, say, “he was doing the admin download task. He was not supposed to do that task yet!”). 

Finally, you need to gain trust with your crewmates, get evidence and proof that you are not the impostor, because your crewmates will vote with you if you have a reasonable explanation and good evidence.

If you could do all or some of this, you could win!

These are the tips and tricks for being a crewmate!

Cemetery, mine. (PART I)



Charlotte Flannery stuck out her tongue and tasted the damp, musty night air of Boulder Creek Memorial Park, the cemetery where her grandmother was buried. 

Buried, yes…But not dead. Not in Charlotte’s eyes. 

Her fingers brushed against the cool gravestone, the words CARMEN FLANNERY, BELOVED carved deep into the marbled rock. 

“Hello,” Charlotte whispered. 

Nothing but the wind answered, a sighing breath against her sweat-slicked neck. She was early, so Charlotte was not expecting an answer. Instead, she slid down the gravestone and onto the mossy  ground and pulled out a sketchbook from her worn faux-leather bag—the one with the strap hanging on only by a thread. 

Hanging, hanging, hanging until it would snap, snap, snap. Like wood crackling in a fire, or twigs crunching under a boot. 

Charlotte grabbed her charcoals as well and flipped through the pages. Her eyes caught on black blurs and glimpses of long-forgotten faces she’d drawn too long ago to remember. She flipped and flipped until—she was at the last two blank pages. Her grip tightened around the charcoals. No, how could that be? She couldn’t have filled eighteen pages so quickly. Sure, she fell into a scribbled frenzy as soon as the charcoal hit the page, but—

The charcoals went smashing into an adjacent grave before she realized what, exactly, she had done. In fact, it wasn’t until she saw her extended arm in front of her like a phantom limb that she knew she had chucked them. 

She laughed at the explosion of black dust on the gravestone of TAYLOR BASSETT

What a pity, she thought. What a dreadful, dreadful, shame. 

She crawled towards it, not at all worried about the stains of moss and dirt now adorning her baggy white jeans. “To honor you,” she said, kissing Taylor Bassett’s gravestone before rubbing her fingers in the shattered charcoal remnants.

And with said charcoal dust Charlotte Flannery drew a masterpiece. She hummed a tune under her breath, rocking back and forth on her knees in excitement as she crafted something truly dark and deadly on the second to last page in her sketchbook. A replica of the angel statue above Taylor Bassett’s grave, but its wings were shredded and bleeding, it’s mouth curved into a wicked grin instead of a reverent, holy smile. As she drew in the last details of his smile, she could have sworn it moved—just a twitch of one wing. Then the other, back and forth, back and forth until it was taking flight. Charlotte watched as it struggled to fly off the page with broken wings before it swarmed around the angel statue and tapped its shoulder. The statue screamed before shattering into pieces. Charlotte laughed with wicked delight as her dark, broken creation took its place.

She was so entranced that she didn’t notice the eyes. 

The eyes, the eyes, the eyes. Watching, waiting. Waiting, watching.

Someone was behind her. 

And it was not her grandmother. 

He knew he came to the wrong place at the wrong time when he saw the girl performing what looked like some sort of…ritual. 

Oh, no, no, no. There was a reason no one went to cemeteries at midnight during October. Or ever. 

Still, Mason Tuscan couldn’t help himself from creeping the slightest bit closer as the girl scribbled in a sketchbook, her dark brow furrowed and sweat-slicked in concentration. She was humming a song he’d heard before—on the radio, perhaps—but she slowed it down a bit. Made it minor instead of major. She transformed it from upbeat to depressing; exciting to…eerie. 

Yes, he should have definitely left by then. His stomach flipped as a manic laugh burst from her lips. But—she was just a kid. His age by the looks of it; no more than seventeen or eighteen. And he could have sworn he had seen her around school before. Her name was…Charlie? Charlotte? He couldn’t recall, but he remembered she was the TA in his Algebra One class last year—remembered the lilt of her handwriting as she wrote D, F, or, if he was lucky, the occasional C on his tests in purple pen. 

She was so different now. Then, she’d been what everyone would call the “popular smart girl.” The one who always took the lead in group projects or sent the homework answers to the entire class in a group chat, no questions asked. Her hair was always shoulder-length and curled, and she used to dye the ends a striking red color. She was at the top of the unique-fashion food chain (Mason knew all this because his best friend at the time had such a huge crush on her, he was borderline stalkerish). But looking at her now…Her mousy brown hair was unkempt and stringing down her back, and she was drowning in her oversized sweater and baggy jeans. 

Mason still thought she was undeniably pretty but…what had happened?

He leaned closer from behind a gravestone, hoping to see more of what she was drawing when—Her head whipped towards him. Mason fell back as he finally saw her entire face. Charcoal smudged her cheek, her eyes wide as she took him in. The dazed smile stretching across her face instantly vanished. 

“What are you doing here?” the girl breathed, chest heaving. 

“Nothing, I—I—”

“What’s wrong with your face?”

Mason adjusted the boxy frames resting on his nose. “Nothing.”

“You have a black eye.” The girl tilted her head, touching her own eye. 

“N-no I don’t,” he said. “It’s just the shadows.”

You and I both know that Mason was, indeed, lying. And he was doing a trash job of it. 

“I’m Charlotte,” she said, holding out a hand. “You’re Mason, right?”

She remembered him? Mason nodded blankly. “Yep.”


He grabbed her hand to shake it, but she pulled away instantly and wrapped her arms around herself. 

“Th-that’s a cool drawing,” Mason started, gesturing to the discarded sketchbook beside her. It was—a demonic angel with a fanged smile. Fitting. 

Charlotte shrugged, mindlessly rubbing her charcoal-coated hands on her thighs. “Why do your glasses not have a prescription?”

How did she know this stuff? He almost asked her those exact words, but from the gleamed look in her eyes, he didn’t dare test her. He shrugged. “I like the way they look.”

Again, lies. He thought back to the real reason he wore them.

His uncle. A slap to the face. A little more than a slap to the face. 

His parents had died when he was four. He’d been staying with his father’s brother and sister-in-law ever since, and his life hadn’t been…perfect with them, but it was happy. Until the accident that took his aunt’s life. That was when his uncle lost his job, and he started drinking more than just a couple sips, and…it all went downhill from there. 

“Where’ve you been, boy?” His uncle had slurred when he returned home earlier that night. 

Mason adjusted the strap of his backpack. “Friends house. Working on music stuff.”

“I says that you—“ his uncle hiccuped, patting his stomach—“you needs be home by nine.”

He had not said that. In fact, Mason had only seen him passed out that morning on the couch before heading off to school. 

“Sir, I—“

But he never got a chance to finish. He had been blinded by swinging fists, deafened by roars of anger and his own heart throbbing in his ears. 

Thus why he wore the glasses—to blame the bruising on the shadows caused by the frames. And why he let his wild, dark curls tumble haphazardly across his forehead. Mason shook his head, willing away the memories. “So why are you here, Charlotte?”

She smirked as she patted the gravestone beside her. “I am waiting for someone.”

“In a graveyard?”

“Of course. Where else?”


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