Candidate Positions: Who Stands Where



Candidate Platforms 

Mask Mandate Nationwide? 

Trump: No, Trump opposes a national mask mandate. He left it up to the states to decide what to do and support his previous decisions. 

Biden: Biden does support a national mask mandate. He has said he would call for all governors to enact a mask mandate. 

Affordable Care Act? 

Trump: No, he wants to overturn the Affordable Care Act. He says he has a new plan but has not yet told the American people what this plan is. 

Biden: Biden supports the Affordable Care Act. 

Lowering mandatory minimum prison sentences?

Trump: Yes, he supports this. He signed the First Step Act. The First Step Act aimed to lessen long-standing disparities in incarceration by reducing prison sentences.

Biden: Biden agrees with ending mandatory prison sentences. 

Death penalty? 

Trump: Yes, he does support the death penalty. He has made this very clear over his candidacy. 

Biden: Biden does not support the death penalty. 

Support defunding the police?

Trump: No, he does not support defunding the police. He says that most in law enforcement are “doing an incredible job.”

Biden: No, he does not support defunding the police. He wants to spend an additional 300 million(a year) on community policing initiatives and using existing funding on reforms.

Legalization of recreational marijuana?

Trump: He does not support the legalization of recreational marijuana. He believes that it should be left up to the states. 

Biden: Biden supports decriminalizing recreational marijuana. He wishes to have further research done on the effects and would expunge prior convictions. 

Support for ‘Zero tolerance’ policy that led to family separations at the border?

Donald Trump: He does support this policy.

Biden: He does not support this policy.

Supports cross-examination of accusers of sexual assault at colleges and universities?

Donald Trump: Yes, he has activated the rights of the accused. 

Biden: No, he says he strongly disagrees with this.

Supports a federal assault weapons ban?

Trump: No, he does not agree with this ban. 

Biden: He does support this, he supports a ban that would buy the assault weapons back.

Unusual Pets



Animal companions are something that many people have. For a good reason too – pets can give you unconditional affection and support, a friend you can always rely on, or simply be something to brighten your day. Normally, such animals are cats or dogs, but the pet industry has expanded over the years, allowing more people to have so-called “exotic pets.”  It’s worth it to note that not all of these animals are domesticated, however, and sometimes it may be an unhealthy environment for them. So, we should always do our research and make sure we’re able to provide them with a good home. That being said, here are some pets that are on the weirder side. 

Our first interesting pet is the African Giant Millipede, as shown above. These arthropods can reach a size between seven and eleven inches and, in some cases, can live up to a decade long. Despite what one might think, millipedes are fairly easy pets to take care of. They need a large enough tank, some moss or soil to burrow under, and a warm temperature, but nothing too specific. Plus, they’re herbivores, so they eat fruits and vegetables. Millipedes get frightened easily and as such don’t like to be handled excessively, and it’s important to make sure you get your African Giant Millipede from a reputable breeder, too. 

Next, we have the Horned Frog, more commonly called the Pacman frog. This is a beginner level pet. They get this nickname because when their mouth opens, they look like Pacman. The frog can grow to a maximum size of eight inches and live for up to seven years. They also do not like being handled due to their sensitive skin, and this is one of the few frogs with teeth. These frogs are insectivores who mostly eat crickets and silkworms. Their habitat is at least a ten-gallon terrarium, with plants and branches for hiding. They are nocturnal creatures. 

Lastly, we have the Ball Python. They’re named this because of the way they curl into a tight ball when they get nervous. They can grow up to five feet long and live a maximum of thirty years. This is an intermediate level pet and one of the easier snakes to take care of. The ball python is also a carnivore and feeds on rodents, but overall it is a docile and curious animal. They are easy to handle and are more active at night. 

We hope that this article was informative, and you have a better understanding of some of the animals we keep as pets and their individual needs. Whenever you’re interested in purchasing a pet, it’s important to make sure you’re able to provide them with a safe and comfortable home. Thanks for reading! 



Need Something Bingeable? Try Miraculous Ladybug!



Has this distance learning gotten too boring for you? Need some action in your life? Want to leave your house and travel? Getting tired of those FRIENDS reruns and need something new to watch? Well, have I got a show for you!

Miraculous Ladybug is a 3D animated show about two superheroes named Ladybug and Cat Noir. These partners in crime work together to protect the city from the evil Hawkmoth who wants to have their miraculouses. A miraculous is a piece of jewelry that holds the power of our heroes and villains. The power is found in these magical creatures called kwamiis. Each kwamii represents a different animal and holds a special ability. The Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses are the strongest, holding the power of creation and destruction. They belong to our protagonists.

The holder of the Ladybug Miraculous is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She is voiced by Christina Vee, who has also voiced Sailor Mars in the Sailor Moon franchise. Marinette is half French from her father’s side and half Chinese from her mother’s side. She’s a kind, clumsy girl who wants to be a fashion designer. Her kwamii friend is Tikki, who’s very kind and cheerful and supports Marinette. When Marinette is Ladybug, she becomes a lot more confident. Her weapon is a yo-yo, and her special power is called Lucky Charm. She can summon a random idea and use it to stop the villain. She has no clue what the item will be. She also has a big crush on her classmate, Adrian, and gets all flustered when she tries to talk to him.

And the holder of the Black Cat Miraculous is Adrien Agreste. He is voiced by Bryce Papenbrook, who also voices Makoto Neagi and Nagito Komeada in the Danganronpa franchise. Adrien’s the son of a famous fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste. His mom, Emilie Agreste, was a famous actress; she mysteriously disappeared before the events of the series. Adrien is a charismatic, friendly, encouraging, supportive, and innocent cinnamon roll. He is innocent because his father kept him in the house for so long. Well, until he got miraculous and then he was able to get a sense of freedom away from his scheduled life. His kwamii friend is named Plagg. He’s a mischievous little bean who likes to get into trouble. He’s also a big fan of cheese- the stinkier the better. When Adrian becomes Cat Noir, he has freedom. No more being controlled by his father! He’s more optimistic and has a thing for saying cat puns. He also likes flirting with Ladybug because he loves her.

That’s right, there’s a love square in this show, and it gets very aggravating at times. Marinette likes Adrian, but he likes Ladybug and doesn’t know that she’s Marinette. And Marinette has no clue that Adrian was flirting with her this whole time as Cat Noir. 

Now, in season 2, they did introduce two new love interests for both Marinette and Adrian. First is Luka Couffaine, a sweet guitarist who has Marinette question if her life will be with him or Adrian. He’s very supportive of her, saying that he’s always there for her if Adrian declines her. Kagami Tsurugi, a Japanese girl who’s a part of Adrian’s fencing team, likes him. They spend a lot of time together due to their parents being friends. She knows of Marinette’s crush on Adrian, but believes Adrian has a crush on Marinette. Adrien also has two other girls in the series that have crushes on him, but he doesn’t like them in that way. Chloe Bourgeois is the daughter of the Mayor of Paris, Adrian’s first ever friend, and Marinette’s bully. There’s also Lila Rossi who I really don’t like because she’s a liar and has a respect/works for Hawkmoth.

Speaking of Hawkmoth, he’s the series’ main antagonist. Now, I can’t say much about him because if I do, I have to spoil so much of the fun mystery of the series. So, I can only say a few things. First, he’s voiced by Keith Silverstien, who also voiced Gantetsu and Kimimaro Kaguya in the Naruto series. He holds the Butterfly Miraculous. I know, how can butterflies be evil? Well, he can turn butterflies into akumas, which translates to demons, to control people to be supervillains. This is only when someone is upset/angry/willing to be under his control. That’s called akumatization. Only Ladybug has the power to turn the akuma back into a butterfly. His kwamii is named Nuroo, a shy little purple butterfly boy who I just wanna hug.

My god, I did it! A review! This is great! Now, this isn’t everything I wanted to talk about. If I did talk about it, well, I’d just spoil the whole series. So, go watch this fun series; it’s on Netflix. There’s also a Christmas Special and an episode special where they go to New York! And the original characters you can make! The possibilities are endless. Now, go and binge-watch this amazing piece of work!

The Gardener: Part One



WARNING: This story contains some graphic content like blood in further chapters.

“🏳⬧♍♋❒ 💧♍□❒🞐♓□”

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He walked back into his home after a long day of school. After only taking one step into his house he tripped over something. He looked back and saw that a spirit’s head was sticking out of the floor. He stood up and continued his business.

It had been about a year since he had started this routine. He just woke up as a school boy that lived in this cottage on the outskirts of a village. It could’ve been amnesia, but it felt as if he performed his daily life because of some kind of controlling force. He couldn’t recall anything about the past, but as time went on, he discovered a few things about his forgotten life. One of those things was that he didn’t have any family. He had one of those instincts that told him that he lived in the cottage, but no one else ever comes back to it during the day or the night. He once tried to recall his relatives, but the only results were a bad headache that kept him up all night. The house might’ve been home to some residents before him since there was a study that he didn’t have a use for, but that was mostly it.

He also had a strange “talent,” if you could call it a talent. He had the ability to see spirits 24/7. Despite it being abnormal, he didn’t find it that impressive. In his world, there are people called “familiar tamers.” They own an enchanted object (usually a piece of jewelry or wand) that can summon a spirit that is willing to aid them. Since spirits were already common in his world, then, being able to see them wasn’t so surprising. If he could see ghosts then maybe he would’ve been shocked. The difference between ghosts and spirits is that ghosts are created because of the demise of a person, are attached to a place, and can’t be seen unless they appear as an apparition. Spirits have magical abilities, don’t have to be born from the soul of a person, and have a somewhat physical form.

Still, he might’ve found his talent interesting if spirits weren’t so boring. They seemed to be just as oblivious to people as people were oblivious to them. He even found them a little annoying when he first met them. They kept wandering around his house and he felt like he had little to no privacy. But he couldn’t blame them since they didn’t seem to know he existed. It was possible that people also unknowingly invaded spirits’ homes on accident.

As the boring days went by he could only find one thing to satiate himself. Since he didn’t think he could hold a casual conversation with anyone and the homework he was assigned each night was too easy for him, he found himself in the garden at the back of his house a lot. There was a garden that only kept these scarlet flowers that seemed to never die. If he forgot to tend to them, they would be in perfect condition no matter what like they were a god in disguise. Despite their immortal aura, he liked to take care of them. He didn’t even remember his own name, so how was he supposed to introduce himself to anyone to start a conversation?

Whenever he had to tell someone his name he automatically said something, but it would slip his mind before he could recall what he said.

On a Monday morning during his junior year of school, another year had passed by. They had completed a huge essay that had taken everyone about a month to complete, and their teacher was impressed with everyone–so much so that she had decided to arrange a surprise field trip. They were going to spend the weekend at a camp called Camp Famos that was in the next city over. Their class was set to leave Friday afternoon and to come back on Monday morning the next week. He was given a permission slip, a medical form, a survey, a packing list, and a brochure for the camp. The survey was to arrange the groups for the class, so he just put random names of his classmates as his answer. He could’ve declined of course and stayed at home that weekend, but there was a small voice in his head that told him to get off his butt and do something with his life.

COVID Affecting Sports



COVID-19 has affected a lot of things throughout the world, but one of the most affected things is sports. COVID has convinced many professional leagues to suspend their activities. Even the Summer Olympics has been pushed back a year just because of COVID. But some teams are still playing sports like soccer, baseball, tennis, and many more. But the CDC has a guide to staying safe during COVID while playing.

Tennis is a sport that you can still play during COVID. You are distanced while playing and it is overall very safe. COVID has not affected tennis that much and it would be great to play with a friend. Soccer is a sport that has been affected a lot and has more guidelines. When you play soccer on a public team or just with friends it would be a good idea to keep a mask on and social distance when you are not playing. After a game, be sure to wash your hands to keep safe.

The NFL has continued! The regular season was canceled on March 12th but they have returned. But all players of the NFL are being tested for COVID as well. It looks like even though COVID has canceled a lot of sports events, some are making a comeback. We can still stay safe while playing sports and having fun!


West Coast Fires and Climate Change



Hearing of wildfires in California is not anything new. Many of us have gotten news of wildfires on the west coast many times before. But never has there been this degree of destruction. In only a few weeks six of the twenty largest wildfires in California’s recent history have started. 8,200 wildfires have blazed across California since the beginning of this year. As of October second the fires have burned 3.9 million acres, killed 31 people, and destroyed 8,000 structures. Millions of people are struggling with the increasing air pollution harming their lungs in the midst of a global pandemic. Temperatures are skyrocketing; a temperature of 130 degrees was recorded in Death Valley. The fires are the likes of which we haven’t seen on the west coast for 70 years, and even with all the above tragedies there is more to take into consideration. 

Humans aren’t the only species suffering the wrath of the fires. Scientists are afraid that the loss of habitat will imperil many vulnerable species and in turn harm their ecosystems. In the warming climate it is hard to know if certain ecosystems will be able to survive. Biologists predict that the fires have killed half of Washington’s pygmy rabbits, an endangered species. That would mean only fifty remain. This is only one example of many endangered species. Another concern is that trees will have trouble regrowing. This is because more fires could easily start and hold back the tree’s regrowth. These are only a couple of examples of many many environmental concerns due to the fires. 

The increasing frequency of the fires in California is due partly to climate change. It was discovered that the number of days with extreme wildfire weather in California has more than doubled since the 1980s, mostly due to warming temperatures that have been drying out vegetation. This research was done by Diffenbaugh and their colleagues last month. Studies have shown that the ozone levels are two parts per billion higher than they would be without global warming! So obviously climate change and global warming is a real thing. Global warming has also been causing increases in wildfire pollution. 

Climate change is real and it’s an impending danger. We have to acknowledge that it is real and do everything we can to help our earth.


The Unwanteds: A Book Review




The Unwanteds is a book about a dystopian society called Quill in which at the age of twelve all people are sorted into one of these three categories: Wanted, Unwanted and Necessary. The strong and intelligent Wanteds are the high class of society and are sent to college. The lower class Necessaries work as laborers for the Wanteds. And finally, the creative and artistic Unwanteds are killed… or so they thought. Instead, the man known as “The Death Farmer”: Marcus Today brings them to Artime, a surreal paradise for all those Unwanteds with their creative minds. But in Artime the Unwanteds soon learn to defend themselves using magical and artistic methods. The protagonist of this story is a twelve-year-old named Alex. He and the rest of that year’s Unwanteds were sent to “The Death Farmer ” right outside of the desolate city of Quill to be executed. But soon, instead of finding themselves dead, they find themselves in the wonderful land of Artime where Mr. Today asks them the timeless question that he asks every Unwanted: “How does it feel to be eliminated?” But not long after arriving at Artime Alex begins longing to see his lost counterpart and twin, Aaron. In the family, Alex was always known as the creative one, but Aaron was known as the one who would most likely become a Wanted. On the other hand, Alex always knew in a part of him that he would turn out as an Unwanted. But one rainy day while Alex and Aaron were digging a hole outside, Alex drew a house with a stick in the mud, if anybody found out this would be a one-way ticket to becoming Unwanted later. Aaron even threatened to report his brother at first, but then eventually Alex convinced Aaron to give it a try. But it was at that moment that their father came out of the house to check on them. Seeing Aaron drawing with a stick their father mistakenly thought that Aaron was Alex and grabbed Aaron by the arm and told him to get inside. Meanwhile, Aaron silently begged Alex to keep quiet. This was the reason why Alex believed that if he could bring Aaron into Artime Aaron would love it here and stay with him. And despite all the warnings (and to the absolute AGONY of the reader) Alex attempted to bring Aaron into Artime. But when he does, a confused and horrified Aaron downright rejects Alex’s offer. And this incident leads to Quill discovering the existence of Artime and that leads to a full out war between the people of Artime and Quill.

Downwell: A Review



Today I have the pleasure of talking to you about my favorite game to waste time. The game that I am talking about here is Downwell. I can describe this game as a rapid-paced experience; and this a game can last  anywhere from one minute to thirty. The description I would also give this game would be “randomly-generated-fun”. I would give this game this description because your game experience is legitimately different every single time. The enemies are randomly spawned, same with the levels you experience! So, with the introduction out of the way, lets get more in depth with this game!

Alright, so I feel because this is a video game, I should be talking about the actual gameplay first. So in this game, as the name suggests, you are legitimately falling down a well! The main mechanic of this game is the gun boots that are strapped to your feet as you descend. These boots have many different upgrade abilities and mechanics as you travel fast down the well. On the mechanics side, you have a certain amount of ammo you can use, but it will reload once you land on a solid object. You will use these spectacular boots to traverse the well—mostly because they will allow you to slow fall and not just plummet into all of the enemies that will try to take your health away. Speaking of heath, you only have four hit points as you travel down, but these can be refilled as you travel down the well. You also have the ability to change the type of shots your boots shoot by picking up little upgrade modules. Now, each of these will usually contain an ammo upgrade or a health refill. But more importantly, they will always change how your boots function, making the game so much more fun! Lastly, as you destroy the enemies that are below you by stepping on them, they will always drop some sort of currency. This currency can be used in the shops that you will find occasionally to purchase health upgrades and ammo upgrades! Now, because I don’t wanna spoil too much of the game, let’s move onto the next paragraph.

Well, as I like to do in the reviews I write, I will be talking about the art style. I feel as though the art style of a game will really pull it together. Even if the gameplay is fun, I feel a game can only be good if you pair that with a good art style. This game’s art style is what would be described as 8-bit. The game also has a two-color color palette that can be changed as you progress through the game, so what can motivate you to continue playing the game is to unlock more color palettes, as well as this simple graphic design. You do not need the most powerful hardware in the business to play this comfortably, so that makes the game a lot more opening to new players hoping to join the PC gaming community

Anyways, there is so much more I would like to tell you about this game, but I don’t wanna spoil the experience that you can have with this game. So if my review made you want to pick up a copy of Downwell, I gladly recommend you do. 

The Perfect Lemon Bundt Cake



During Covid, I’ve had a lot of time to experiment with different recipes, but my personal favorite has been my lemon bundt cake. Here’s the recipe for what I believe is the perfect Lemon Bundt Cake.


  • 1 box Lemon cake mix
  • 1 box of instant vanilla pudding mix (3.4 ounces)
  • ¾ cup oil
  • ¾ cup water
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice


  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 8 ounce cream cheese
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. In a large bowl mix all the ingredients together for 2 ½ minutes on high (I would personally add the zest and juice last). After, pour into a greased bundt pan.
  3. Bake for 45-50 minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean). Let it cool for five minutes.
  4.  When finished cooking, put cooling rack on the cake and slowly flip it out of the bundt pan.


  1. In a bowl mix all ingredients together and beat on high until creamy.
  2. Put frosting in piping bag (or ziploc bag with corner cut off).
  3. Put frosting onto the top of the cooled cake.
  4. OPTIONAL: Add more lemon zest to cake to make it look fancy.

Now you’re done! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, and I really hope it turns out!

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