Things To Do When Quarantined



Are you bored out of your mind and need something to do? No need to worry! This article has plenty of ideas for things you can do from the safety of your own home. 

There are also plenty of things that you can always do. Reading is great if you want to be entertained. You could also clean your room or organize your closet, which will make your room a more relaxing space to be in. Another thing you can do is to listen to a podcast. There are plenty of podcasts about almost every subject for you to enjoy. Or you could play a board game. Baking is also a great option. A great thing to do in this time is to call your friends. Not only will it be fun, but it will help you to feel less isolated. 

If you would rather do something virtual there are many different options. One of the options is Virtual Disney. After Disney (Land and World) closed due to COVID-19 many people were devastated, so Disney decided to upload their rides virtually! If you aren’t really into Disney, there are many other things you could do, such as going virtually to museums, zoos, national parks, and many other fun things. 

On the other side of things, you can also go outside, as long as you social-distance and wear a mask. Taking a walk, going on a bike ride, or jogging are all great ways to get fresh air and exercise. We hope that this article was helpful and that you’ve learned some new ways to keep yourself entertained! Thanks for reading. 

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