“The Way of Kings”



The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson, is an epic fantasy novel over 1200 pages long. Set in Roshar, a world that is plagued by large, tornado-like storms almost weekly, it brings to life a diverse set of characters from all types of different backgrounds. It varies from a slave struggling to find a reason to live, to a prince, troubled by visions. The book creates a grand sense of scope through its length and overarching plot, making the reader really feel immersed in the magic and people.

Reading this book is a commitment, though. As previously mentioned, it is no small read. In fact, it’s so long that the book itself is divided into sections, with alternating point of views. It’s got diagrams, a map, even interludes between sections. So, picking it up is quite daunting altogether. However, there are plenty of reasons to stick with Sanderson’s book past its confusing first chapters.

One such reason is the characters. A plus of the novel being so long is that Sanderson really gets a chance to establish and develop these people. In the end, it makes their accomplishments and triumphs all the more impactful because the reader had seen the characters at their beginning. Normally, this is a thing that transcend books, but another thing with the Way of Kings is that the reader can tell this is just the beginning. Though the characters face hardship after hardship, Sanderson hints and foreshadows a larger plot that will leave the reader ready for the second book. 

Speaking of hardships, though, Sanderson is quite good at writing them. His plot has plenty of twists and turns, that, going back, will suddenly make everything make sense. Side plots are prevalent and there’s always something characters are working for, or conflicted about, which makes for an interesting reading. 

All in all, if you have time to spare and don’t mind large books, I’d recommend giving The Way of Kings a try. An epic fantasy novels of epic length, the characters and their journey will move the reader to strong emotion and the world will hold one’s interest. In the beginning it might seem daunting, but the reader will soon find themselves sucked into a world of war and storms. 

“The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.” Goodreads, Goodreads, 31 Aug.

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