Australia Wildfires


The Australia wildfires are like nothing we have seen before.  More than 12 million acres have burned up due to this tragedy. The fires have been centered around New South Wales and Victoria, but millions more acres have burned in other parts of the country.  A found cause of most of the fires is due to climate change. Though Australian fires are normal and recurring every year, these fires continuously grow larger and larger, burning things down in their path because of the hotter, drier air, climate change has brought.   The fire has impacted Australia negatively and devastatingly, killing at least twenty nine people, destroying over 2,900 homes, and leaving hundreds of millions of animals perished, starving, or dehydrated in burning conditions.  Smoke created from the fires blanket over cities like Melbourne and Sydney, giving them ash polluted air. The prolonged exposure of bushfire smoke to millions of people has raised fears of health effects that could last for years.  Scientists believe that climate change will continue to bring longer, more intense fires if we do not do anything to make a bigger impact on protecting the Earth.

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