Winter Break Activities



  Break Activities Ideas

 Are you sitting at home with nothing to do? Well, here are things to do over break!

1) Watch Movies!

Watching movies is a great way to pass the time and spend time with family and friends. Here are some ideas:

  • Home Alone
  • Elf
  • Harry Potter
  • Titanic
  • Mama Mia 
  • La La Land 
  • Frozen 2
  • Star Wars 

2) Drawing

Drawing is a great pastime if you want some alone time. You only need a pencil and some paper to have a great time. If you want  to be extra you can color it. 

3) Cooking/Baking

If you enjoy cooking,winter break is a great time to enjoy this pastime. Here are some ideas on what to cook/bake:

  •  Cookies
  • Cupcakes
  • Banana Bread
  • Soup
  • Tacos

4) Youtube

Youtube offers a variety of different videos and is very entertaining. You can enjoy many different types of videos for free!

5) Listening To Your Favorite Songs

Listening to music is super entertaining if you enjoy the music you listen to. Whatever your style, it can be really fun to listen to music.

6) Reading

Reading is a great way to pass time! Here are some great options:

  • Percy Jackson series 
  • Harry Potter series 
  • Keepers of the Lost Cities series
  • Little Women
  • Narnia 

I hope these ideas will save you from boredom. Now go enjoy your break from school!  

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