Yearbook Class



This year, 2019-2020 school year, Math and Science Academy announced a new Yearbook Class run by Ms. Nordstrom! Yearbook is not new to MSA as it has always been a club. However, with not many members attending, MSA decided to add it as a class to increase the interest. So far, it has been a success! With over twenty members helping out with the yearbook, it is without a doubt going to turn out amazing!

Everyday the yearbook members are assigned different pages to work on. They earn a point for the day if they use their work time carefully. The yearbook members work together to create the grade pages, front cover, and club pages. The MSA yearbook is designed online. This year the class was introduced to a brand-new app, so even though the editors have been in yearbook for three years, it is also new to them. 

There are four yearbook editors that meet together on Thursday mornings to go over the yearbook. Usually they talk about the next week and what the yearbook members need to do to stay on track. 

If anyone is interested in yearbook, make sure to keep an eye out to add it to your schedule next year! This is a great way to be a part of MSA! 

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